Title: 針對應用程式背景流量之省電機制
Energy Saving for Background Traffic of Applications
Authors: 黎柏均
Li, Bo-Jyun
Lee, Tsern-Huei
Keywords: 背景流量;整形機制;省電;background traffic;shaping scheme;energy saving
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來,手機上的應用程式越來越多,導致行動網路上的流量與日俱增,也變得越來越難以預測。在上行流量中,即便使用者沒有在運行這些應用程式,他們依然會產生小且在時間上分散的背景流量封包來更新資訊,這將會導致使用者頻繁的切換於無線資源控制單元的閒置狀態以及連接狀態中,更糟的是,他們有可能讓使用者長期處在連接狀態,這將會導致我們的手機消耗更多的電量。在本篇論文中,我們提出了一種整形機制來累積背景流量封包,並且讓它們能夠在同一時間傳送,以達到降低手機耗電量的目的。最終,我們也透過模擬結果說明了我們所提出的整形機制,能夠減少30%的耗電量。
Recently, the amount of the applications running on smart phones grows up rapidly, leading to growth in traffic volume and diversity in the cellular network. In the uplink traffic, these applications generate the background traffic packets, which are usually scattered in time and with small size, to update the information even when the user is not interactive with them. This may cause frequent transition between the RRC idle state and RRC connected state or what’s worse, keep an UE staying in the connected state all the time. It makes our smart phones consume more energy. In this thesis, we propose a shaping scheme to accumulate background traffic packets and transmit them together for the purpose of decreasing the energy consumption. Finally, the simulation results show that the shaping scheme can reduce 30% consumed energy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis