Title: 影響提供個人健康資訊意願之實證研究
Factors Affecting Personal Health Information Disclosure
Authors: 陳桂芬
Chen, Kuei-Fen
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
Keywords: 健康資訊隱私顧慮;電子病歷交換;醫院聲譽;隱私政策;報酬;社會交換理論;Concern for Health Information Privacy (CFHIP);EMR Exchange;Hospital Reputation;Privacy Policy;Reward;Social Exchange Theory (SET)
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 有越來越多的醫療機構開始實施電子病歷及跨院互通,然而,民眾的健康資訊隱私顧慮可能會造成在就醫時,不願意提供其完整的個人資訊。本研究主要瞭解民眾基於健康資訊隱私顧慮基礎下,提供其個人健康資訊的意願。此外,為了更完整瞭解民眾提供其個人健康資訊的意願,亦基於社會交換理論的觀點,試圖探討在組織方面,民眾的健康資訊隱私顧慮是由哪些因素所影響。問卷主要以網路問卷進行,並以138份問卷來進行資料的驗證。所收集到的資料以結構方程模式進行驗證與分析,研究結果顯示在四個假說之中,有三個假說顯著。本研究結果證實,社會交換理論的觀點適用於解釋電子病歷交換的情境下,民眾提供其個人健康資訊的意願。
The implementation of electronic medical record (EMR) exchange is an important tread. However, EMR exchange suffers from some problems. For example, concern for health information privacy may cause individuals unwilling to provide personal health information. To better understand individuals’ intention, we tried to examine the correlation between individuals’ concern for information privacy and their intention. Beside this, based on a social exchange theory perspective, the antecedents in organizational dimension of CFIP were examined. In this study, our proposed model was empirically validated by 138 respondents in Taiwan. Four hypotheses were assessed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via statistical analysis software SmartPLS 3.0. Three hypotheses were significant supported which indicate that all of the components of social exchange theory were critical, and the proposed model is applicable in EMR exchange context.
Appears in Collections:Thesis