Title: 用外差延遲相位量測法來決定扭曲向列型液晶盒的盒厚度、預傾角及旋轉角
Heterodyne Measurements of Retardations to Determine Cell Gaps, Pretilt Angles and Twist Angles of TN Cells
Authors: 林品君
Lin, Ping-Chun
Yang, Kei-Hsiung
Keywords: 預傾角;液晶盒厚度;扭曲角;液晶量測;扭轉向列(TN);pretilt angle;cell gap;twist angle;Tn cell
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 在液晶顯示器裡,預傾角和液晶盒厚度對顯示器都有著顯著的影響,液晶盒預傾角會影響著顯示器的畫面品質、顯示器壽命及反應時間;液晶盒厚度則會影響顯示器亮度、對比度及反應時間等等因素。本論文提出一套完整的方法來量測這些參數,實驗只需使用賽曼雙頻雷射(Zeeman Laser)搭配電腦數學運算軟體Matlab便可簡易精確地測量,不但成本低廉且步驟簡易,是相當重要的量測方法。

論文中分別使用與旋轉平台相互垂直的出平面旋轉晶體法(out-of-plane rotation),以及與旋轉平台平行的入平面旋轉晶體法(in-plane rotation)。在出平面旋轉晶體法中,我們使用廣義瓊斯矩陣(Extended Jones Matrix)來描述斜向入射光經過液晶盒產生的相位差變化,先將液晶盒分割若干層子層,計算每層子層的相位差變化,子層相位差總和即為液晶盒的理論模型。實驗透過外差干涉儀量測的相位差來匹配,對應的相位差極低值即可得到預傾角的數值。

For nematic liquid crystal (LC) displays, the parameters of pretilt angle, cell gap, and twist angle of the LC medium within the LC cell have significant impacts on display qualities. Pretilt angle affects image quality, the LCD lifetime and response times. Cell gap affects image brightness, contrast ratio and response times. In this thesis, we have developed methods to measure these parameters based on measurements of phases or retardations of LC test cells by using heterodyne mixing of two laser beams from a Zeeman laser system in contrast to conventional methods by measuring the intensities. Our schemes of measurements consist of in-plane and out-of-plane rotations of the test LC-cell plane similar to the conventional method. To analyze our data, we have used extended Jones matrix method to derive the phase information corresponding to different measurement schemes. We believe that our method of measuring phases has advantages of a simpler setup, better stability, higher signal-to-noise ratio, and less sensitive to ambient EMI than the conventional method of measuring intensities.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070358217
Appears in Collections:Thesis