标题: 两个基于宽松干扰集概念的用于以收集端为中心的感测器网路的冲突避免分散式着色策略
Two Distributed Coloring Strategies for Collision-avoidance in Data Collection of Sink-centric Sensor Networks Based on Relaxed Interference Sets
作者: 罗世明
Lo, Shih-Ming
Chen, Chiuyuan
关键字: 使用工作周期的以收集端为中心的感测器网路;资料收集;冲突;干扰;邻接图;二步着色;Duty-cycle sink-centric sensor networks;data collection;collision;interference;adjacency graph;distance-two coloring
公开日期: 2016
摘要: 无线感测器网路在现实世界中有许多的应用。由于硬体上的限制,如何提升能源利用效益以及如何避免通信干扰,是无线感测器网路最重要的问题其中两个。工作周期(duty-cycle)常被用于降低能源消耗,并提高无线感测器网路的能源利用效益。在一个使用工作周期的无线感测器网路中,感测器只会在它所被分配到的时槽传递讯息,之后它便进入休眠状态以节省能源。然而,在一个使用工作周期的无线感测器网路中,两个感测器同时发送讯息可能造成干扰问题。Wu 和Tseng在文献[10]中指出,用于资料收集的无线感测器网路的干扰邻居的定义可以被宽松。Navarra等人在文献[4]中提出一个建立在“使用工作周期的以收集端为中心的感测器网路”的虚拟基础架构,它非常适合用于资料收集;Navarra等人将虚拟基础架构对应至邻接图 ,将虚拟基础架构的“干扰问题”视为邻接图 的“着色问题”,并提出了邻接图 的二步着色策略。本论文的目的在于:将文献[10]的宽松干扰邻居的概念应用在邻接图 上,我们成功的提出了邻接图 的两个基于宽松干扰集概念的分散式6-着色策略,这两个策略一个是针对 ( 为偶数),另一个则是针对 ( 为奇数)。值得一提的是,文献[4]的二步着色策略会将 , , , 和 分别着 , , , 和 色。
Wireless sensor network (WSNs) have a lot of applications in real world. Due to the physical limit of hardware, how to improve energy efficiency and how to avoid communication interference are two of the most important problems of WSNs. Duty-cycle is often used to reduce the energy consumption and can improve the energy efficiency of WSNs. In a duty-cycle WSN, a sensor transmits messages in the time slot assigned to it. Then, it goes to sleep to save energy. In a duty-cycle WSN, two sensors simultaneously transmit messages may cause interference
problem. Wu and Tseng [10] pointed out that the denition of interference neighbors can be relaxed if the WSN is used for data collection. In [4], Navarra et al. purposed
a virtual infrastructure of a duty-cycle sink-centric network, which is suitable for data collection. Navarra et al. regarded the interference problem as a coloring
problem of the associated adjacency graph Gℓ of the given duty-cycle sink-centric network, and they proposed a distance-two coloring strategy for Gℓ. The purpose
of this thesis to to apply the relaxed denition of interference neighbors to G_ℓ. In particular, we will purpose two distributed 6-coloring strategies for G_ℓ (ℓ even) and Gℓ (ℓ odd). Do notice that the distance-two coloring proposed in [4] will color G4,
G5, G_4i (i≥2), and G_ℓ (ℓ≥7) by 7, 7, 8, and 9 colors, respectively.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352228