Title: 行動服務資費方案選擇之最佳化研究
A study on Shared, non-Shared, Limited and Unlimited Billing Plans for Mobile Service
Authors: 吳若妌
Wu, Jo-Ching
Keywords: 吃到飽方案;分享方案;使用者行為;期望值;unlimited billing plan;shared data plan;user behaviors;expected payments
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 近年來行動通訊業者推出各種不同的資費方案,以滿足不同的使用者需求。資費方案可分為吃到飽方案(unlimited billing plan)以及非吃到飽方案(limited billing plan)、分享方案(shared billing plan)以及非分享方案(non-shared billing plan)。分享方案為多個使用者或裝置可以共享一個方案的上網使用量,而所有裝置的計費在共同一份帳單內。非分享方案則是傳統的計費方案,僅供一人使用方案的上網使用量。部分的行動通訊業者會提供初步價格比較,供使用者簡單且快速地比較、選擇最適合自己的方案。初步價格比較是利用固定的使用量數據為選擇方案的依據,但實際上使用者的使用量不會是固定不變的,因此需要利用業者的測量資料來反映使用者行為。我們提出一種數學分析方法,並利用中華電信的測量資料來計算出各種方案的期望值。數學分析方法的結果會比初步價格比較的結果來得準確,並且推薦更好的資費方案。本數學分析方法可以很簡單地套用到其他電信公司的測量資料並分析各種資費方案。
In the recent years, mobile operators have provided many billing alternatives such as limited and unlimited billing plans, and billing plans for non-shared and shared data usage for the users with different needs. A non-shared data plan is a traditional data plan for a single user with a limited monthly data allowance. A shared data plan allows a user to add more mobile devices to one inclusive plan and receive one bill at the end of every month, where the monthly data allowance is shared by a group of users with multiple devices. The mobile operators often conduct the primary price study to compare their billing plans, which shows the relationship between the prices of the billing plans against the fixed amounts of data usage. Although the primary price study can easily and quickly draw the conclusions, it only provides rough billing plan suggestions. In reality, the amounts of data usage are not fixed, and therefore should be measured from commercial mobile networks to reflect the user behaviors on data usage. This paper proposes the analytical approach by using the measured data of CHT to derive the expected payments of various billing plans. The results of the analytical model are more accurate than those of the primary price study, and therefore provide better suggestions for the billing plan selection. Other mobile operators can easily use our model to analyze the billing alternatives with their measured data.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070256510
Appears in Collections:Thesis