Title: 現代俄羅斯的光頭次文化:不同種類的表示
Skinhead Movement in Modern Russia: Different Kinds of Representation
Authors: 麗麗
Margarita Shutova
Silvio, Teri J.
Keywords: skinhead;bonehead;subculture;moral panic;crisis of identity;authenticity;homology;skinhead;bonehead;subculture;moral panic;crisis of identity;authenticity;homology
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Skinhead subculture in Russia is strictly cemented in minds of “common people” with “moral panic” produced by mass media through the image of a bold, violent young man in military uniform who screams Nazi slogans and kills “non Slavics”, but is he the “real skinhead”? Where is the border between skinhead subculture and the bonehead far-right movement?
In contrast to the existing accounts in modern Russia that skinhead subculture can be seen only through a deviant and delinquently attitude, I argue through the comparative analysis of historical roots and different kinds of representation, that traditional skinhead subculture without neo-fascist or other political or nationalist infusions can be still found.
Skinhead subculture in Russia is strictly cemented in minds of “common people” with “moral panic” produced by mass media through the image of a bold, violent young man in military uniform who screams Nazi slogans and kills “non Slavics”, but is he the “real skinhead”? Where is the border between skinhead subculture and the bonehead far-right movement?
In contrast to the existing accounts in modern Russia that skinhead subculture can be seen only through a deviant and delinquently attitude, I argue through the comparative analysis of historical roots and different kinds of representation, that traditional skinhead subculture without neo-fascist or other political or nationalist infusions can be still found.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079641525
Appears in Collections:Thesis