Title: 探討新興技術之學用落差 - 以機器人產業為例
A Case Study on Skills and Educational Mismatch in the Robotic Industry
Authors: 蔡坤潭
Tsai, Kun-Tan
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 學用落差;深度訪談;重要度-滿意度分析;機器人;Education-Employment Gap;Expert Depth Interview;mportant-Performance Analysis;Robot
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 這幾年來,由於社會快速變遷、產業轉型、高等教育過度擴充,導致我國在人才培育上出現學用落差、人力供需失衡與青年失業率高漲的現象,已經影響到社會與經濟的發展。
Over the past few years, due to the rapid social changes, industrial restructuring, excessive expansion of higher education, lead to the fact that our country education-employment gap, human supply and demand imbalance and higher youth unemployment rate phenomenon, has affected the social and economic development.
In recent years, due to rising wage costs, fewer children, aging population, coupled with the lack of low-level labor, making the industry actively looking for alternative human solutions to promote the vigorous development of the robot industry, the Government actively introduced the relevant policies to promote the robot industry. This research takes industry of the robot as an example, discusses under this emerging robot technology, the school curriculum planning and the actual needs of the industry whether there is a gap existed.
This research first by the expert depth interview, sorting out the key technical aspects of the robot, then refers to the Taiwan various technical colleges campus robot school grades course the class schedule, induction showing off regarding key technologies construction surface each special course. Finally by the importance - performance analytic method provide questionnaire, which professional courses are that an industry expert thinks it is important, students enter the workplace after study, the study achievement of every professional course, which are that an industry expert think the satisfied one.
The results of the study found that there is indeed the existence of education-employment gap, there are three professional courses experts think are important, but the experts are not satisfied with the students' learning outcomes. These three courses need to be improved first, namely "Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Vision" and "Robot Structure Design".
In order to reduce the education-employment gap, this research proposes to improve from "student learning", "curriculum planning", "teacher teaching" and "industry link". First of all to stimulate students' learning motivation, curriculum planning to focus on the practice, theory concurrently, both intern and teaching are given consideration, to strengthen the practical teaching ability of teachers, and finally maintain close ties with the industry and cooperative relations.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463501
Appears in Collections:Thesis