Title: 健康服務市場推廣通路服務提升之研究
The Study of the Strategical Quality Improvement of Health Service Industry Planning
Authors: 陳彥銍
Chen, Jonny
Chung, Hui-Min
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
Keywords: 健康服務;保健食品;行銷通路;高齡化;健康管理;Health Service;Health Supplement;Marketing Channel;Aged Society;Health Management
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 隨著國民經濟所得成長、生活條件改善,以及醫療技術設備日益進步、充實,出生率下降,臺灣老年人口比例逐年增加。依據行政院國家發展委員會估計,於2018年時,臺灣65歲以上老年人口約為344萬人,佔總人口數14%,臺灣此時已進入高齡化社會;到2025年時,老年人口比例將跨過總人口數20%的門檻,成為超高齡社會。此外,根據行政院衛生署所公布2015年臺灣十大死因,主要多為慢性疾病或老化所造成的文明病。因此,人們對於疾病的態度開始轉變,從原本注重疾病發生後開始的醫療治療行為,逐漸轉變為在疾病發生前之疾病預防、健康管理行為,從而國人對於健康服務之需求逐漸增加。
According to the Ministry of the Interior’s official statistics, an increase in Taiwan’s 65-and-over population indicates that the nation is on course to go from being an “aging society” to an “aged society”. As Taiwan’s population moves from “aging” to “aged”, the rapid proliferation of preventive health service innovations aimed at enhancing life expectancy, quality of life, have become the utmost importance to this aged society.
The objective of this thesis is to study the different characteristics, respective service contents provided by the of various marketing innovations in health service industry. In addition, this is a comparative analysis of different strategies in the overall enhancement of the consumer experience and satisfaction when considering health related services and purchasing health products.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463063
Appears in Collections:Thesis