Title: 國族的界限和文學史:論建構台灣新文學史與張愛玲研究
Authors: 任佑卿
Keywords: 台灣新文學史;台灣民族主義;民族身分認同;張愛玲;Taiwanese New Literary History;ethnical identity;Taiwanese Nationalism;Aileen Chang
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2006
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 九○年代在台灣,隨著獨立意識的高揚,作為一個民族想像的主要制度,台灣新文學史編纂工作日益興盛。本論文要以對張愛玲的評價為主闡釋台灣文學史敘述所面臨的矛盾及其淵源和性質。第二部分將從張愛玲的亡命、後殖民、冷戰等脈絡中闡述張愛玲和台灣之間特殊的因緣開始形成的時空環境,第三部分論述90年代以後在為了鼓吹台獨意識重新建構台灣新文學史的過程中,主張包容張愛玲的陳芳明和主張告別張愛玲的邱貴芬的相反觀點。結語部分則要強調它們所描繪的國族界限事實上有多麼模糊,也要提醒,台灣文學史敘述如果歸結到「台灣國族主義」這樣的統合性宏觀敘事的話,它原來所具有的政治上的抵抗性很可能會消失。
Since 1990s, with gradual consciousness of independence, writing Taiwanese New Literary History, as an important apparatus in imaging national community, has been one of the most heated controversies. However, it faces some embarrassing problems such as the contradiction between political independence from and cultural identification with main land China, and between national identity and that of minority. The essay scrutinizes the ideological, cultural dilemma centering on how Taiwanese evaluate Aileen-Chang in Taiwanese New Literary History. Part Two examines how Taiwanese accepted her, cross-checking in the specific context of her diaspora, postcolonialism, and cold war. In Part Three, The essay compares the opposite viewpoints of Chen Fangming and Qiu Guifen, while the former claims to accept Aileen-Chang, the latter claims not. These two representative critics advocate Taiwanese independence and rewriting Taiwanese New Literary History. In sum, the essay demonstrates that the boundary of nation is in fact arbitrary. It also reminds the hazard of that if writing Taiwanese New Literary History is subject to the ”Taiwanese Nationalism,” another grand narrative, its political resistive power and concern for minority might be lost.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.200603_(2).0007
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.200603_(2).0007
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 253
End Page: 279
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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