Title: 以紮根理論探討家庭群體購屋決策之行為
Analysis of Family Group Decision Making Behavior in House Purchasing -An Application of Grounded Theory
Authors: 龔凡怡
Keywords: 家庭群體決策行為;購屋決策模式;紮根理論;grounded theory;family group decision making behavior;house purchasing behavior
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 在消費者行為研究上,「家庭決策」已被研究將近40年,討論家庭決策之文獻,大多是以量化研究針對成員對於決策者的影響,或是屬性偏好與決策之研究,甚少針對家庭整個決策過程之行為作探討。故在此欲藉由質化研究之紮根理論研究法,以高涉入商品房屋購買行為為例,探討家庭在做購屋決策之行為模式,從而將量化研究所注重之某一時點擴大為一段時間,以提供後續研究在發展該議題時,能更加了解家庭群體購屋決策所隱藏的內涵與概念。
Although the study of family group decision making behavior has been ongoing for nearly forty years; however, the decision making courses are often ignored. Most of papers have been focusing on quantitatively how influential are the family members to the decision maker and analysis of attribute preferences which lead to insufficient amount of knowledge on the courses of decision. Hence, purpose of this paper is to discuss family group decision making behavior in house purchasing by using grounded theory, hopes to give a comprehensive framework to provide a solid background for potential follow up researches.
In this paper, fourteen household owners were interviewed. With the various purchasing experiences, this research surveyed ninety-six open codes which were further categorized into six axial codes; finally a selecting code “decision courses” was established. With the selecting code, which linked and described the relationship between the axial codes, this paper evidently illustrated the model of family group decision making behavior.
Appears in Collections:Thesis