DC 栏位语言
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chun-Taoen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Wen-Rongen_US
dc.description.abstract前置编码已被认为是一种可以有效改善多输入多输出 (Multiple-input multiple-output;MIMO)系统中传输品质的技术。一般而言,前置编码的设计与接收机的类型有关。对于最大似然 (Maximum-likelihood;ML)接收机而言,最佳的前置编码设计准则是最大化系统的自由距离,然而最佳解的导出相当困难,因此目前多数文献仅讨论其次佳解,本论文旨在探讨对应ML接收机的前置编码器设计问题。在论文的第一部分,我们首先考虑简化之前置编码,也就是传送端天线选择,最佳的天线选择准则必需透过高运算量的穷举法才能得到,为了避免此问题,研究者利用奇异值分解(Singular value decomposition: SVD)以及QR分解 (QR decomposition; QRD)推导出自由距离的下界。我们提出以QRD为基础之天线选择方法,我们证明了QRD选择法会优于传统的SVD法,此外我们进一步提出基底转换的方法使得QRD选择法能够更接近最佳解。除了传送端天线选择之外,我们提出的方法也可适用于其他应用,例如接收端天线选择、传送端与接收端联合天线选择、以及在MIMO中继系统中天线选择。模拟结果显示,我们提出的方式在上述应用中均能提供接近最佳的表现。
除了天线选择之外,最近有研究者提出一种基于X-架构之次佳前置编码方式,此方法的概念在于先利用SVD 得到平行子通道,再利用两两配对的方式得到多个2□2的子系统,这样的作法允许我们仅需设计2□2的子前置编码器,因而得以在降低编码的复杂度,此外X-架构前置编码的方式同时可提供一个低复杂度的ML接收机。然而,目前现有文献中所提出的X-架构前置编码器的设计均仰赖数值法以及查表的方式,使得现有的方法在实际应用上困难度与复杂度均相对增加。在论文的第二部分我们提出一个简单但有效的方法来解决此问题,我们的方法所得到的前置编码矩阵具有解析解,另外,我们也探讨如何将X-架构前置编码延伸至MIMO中继系统中联合前置编码器设计的问题。模拟结果显示我们提出的方法比现有的前置编码法可以更有效的改善系统效能。
dc.description.abstractPrecoding has been considered a promising technique in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission. In general, the design criterion depends on the detector used at the receiver. For the maximum-likelihood (ML) detector, the criterion is known to maximize the free distance. Unfortunately, the derivation of the optimum solution is difficult, and suboptimum solutions have then been developed. In this dissertation, we study the precoder design for the ML detector in MIMO and MIMO relay systems. In the first part of this dissertation, we consider a simplified precoding scheme, namely, transmit antenna selection. To maximize the free distance, it is necessary to conduct exhaustive search for the selection pattern. To avoid the problem, lower bounds of the free distance derived with the singular value decomposition (SVD) or QR decomposition (QRD) were developed. We propose a QRD-based selection method maximizing the corresponding lower bound. With some matrix properties, we theoretically prove that the lower bound yielded by the QRD is tighter than that by the SVD. We then further propose a basis-transformation method so that the lower bound yielded by the QRD can be further tightened. The proposed method is also extended to antenna selection in amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO relay systems, and other types of selections such as receive antenna selection, and joint transmit and receive antenna selection. Simulations show that the lower bound that the proposed methods evaluate can approach the true free distance closely.

As mentioned, the optimum precoder for the ML detector is difficult to derive. Recently, a simple design method, referred to as X-structured precoding, was proposed to solve the problem. This method first adopts the SVD to transform the MIMO channel into parallel subchannels. Then, the subchannels are paired to obtain a set of 2x2 subsystems and 2x2 subprecoders can be designed. Due to this special structure, the ML detection in the receiver can be conducted on 2x2 subsystems, reducing computational complexity significantly. Several methods have been developed to solve the X-structured precoder. However, most of them use numerical searches to find their solutions and require table look-ups during the run time. In the second part of this dissertation, we propose a simple but effective method to solve the problems. The proposed precoder has a simple closed-form expression and no numerical searches and table look-ups are required. We also extend the proposed method in joint source/relay precoders design in two-hop AF MIMO relay systems. With the proposed source subprecoder, the joint design problem can be significantly simplified. Simulations show that the proposed X-structured precoding for MIMO relay systems significantly outperforms other types of precoding methods.

Calculation of the precoder requires full channel state information and is conducted in the receiver in general. In real-world applications, a codebook is designed for the precoder, and only the index of the codeword is fed back. In the final part of this dissertation, we investigate the codebook design problem in X-structured precoding. Unlike the conventional precoding, X-structured precoding requires two codebooks, one for a unitary matrix and the other for 2x2 subprecoders. The challenges are that the quantized unitary matrix cannot yield the X-structure and the receiver cannot conduct ML detection on 2x2 subsystems. We show that the proposed X-structure precoding scheme can still be used, and propose low-complexity detection schemes to solve the detection problem. Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the computational complexity of the receiver and at the same time improve the system performance.
dc.subjectMultiple-input multiple-outputen_US
dc.subjectmaximum-likelihood detectoren_US
dc.subjectspatial multiplexingen_US
dc.subjectQR decompositionen_US
dc.titlePrecoder Designs for Maximum-Likelihood Detectors in MIMO and MIMO Relay Systemsen_US


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