Title: | 金融海嘯下的台灣DRAM布局 The Strategy of Taiwan DRAM Industry after Financial Tsunami |
Authors: | 田雅玲 Tien, Ya-Ling 楊千 Yang, Chyan 管理學院資訊管理學程 |
Keywords: | 國家競爭優勢;動態隨機存取記憶體;產業升級;Competive advantage of nations;DRAM;Industrial upgrading |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 台灣DRAM自八O年代發展至今,在全世界逐漸佔有舉足輕重的地位,不管是產能或是12吋晶圓廠的分布密度皆居世界第一。台灣一向以擁有卓越的製造能力見長,但這項能力並不足以讓台灣DRAM站上世界第一的舞台,當經濟不景氣時,甚至不具任何保護作用。沒有創新的能力,欠缺最重要的自主研發能力,台灣DRAM只能受制於他人。2009年金融海嘯,全球DRAM皆跌了一大跤,且看台灣能不能痛定思痛,積極思考未來的方向,重新掌握台灣DRAM產業生命的舵。 本研究的目地在於藉由審視記憶體的世代交替與未來應用的新契機、全球DRAM市場的供需現況、各DRAM大廠的經營動態、全球DRAM產業鏈,從各個構面,對台灣DRAM產業所處的大環境進行整體的掃描。從變局裡,看企業經營者及政府如何掌舵,帶領台灣DRAM產業安然渡過金融海嘯的同時,持續改善產業體質,創造企業及國家競爭優勢升級的重要力量。筆者並歸納觀察產業動向之心得,試著提出幾點建議供台灣DRAM產業決策者做為思考的方向。 Since the first entrance in mid 80s, Taiwan DRAM industry has built up the first production capacity and most intensive 12" fab in the world over the last thiry years. Though encompassing with the powerful manufacturing capability, without the R&D skill Taiwan DRAM industry itself could not avoid suffering severe financial lost from economic recession. After Lehmans Brothers bankruptcy, global DRAM industry is facing the weakest demand and serious oversupply issue ever seen. The upturn trend remains unknown. Either stay in or out of competition, Taiwan DRAM industry must put thorough consideration in how to transfer the crisis into opportunity. This thesis tries to figure out how Taiwan stays competitive in the fast changing world by scanning through the variance in DRAM environment, such as the prime time of next generation, new application of memory IC, global demand and supply, status of global DRAM maker, and DRAM supply chain. From the variant perspective, let’s see how Taiwan governement and CEO of DRAM companies help industry survive the financial tsunami, and furthermore keep industry competitive and move upward different stage. Some suggestions have been stated in the thesis for Taiwan DRAM decision maker. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/43709 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |