Title: | 再生物料供應品質對買方選擇行為之影響 Recycled-Material Supply Quality and its Influence on Buyer Firm Choice Behavior |
Authors: | 陳弘玉 CHEN, HUNG-YU 許鉅秉 Sheu, Jiuh-Biing 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 綠色紡織;個體選擇模式;再生物料供應品質;Green Textile;Disaggregate Choice Model;Recycled-Material Supply Quality |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 本研究選定回收寶特瓶(PET)再製環保衣的業者為研究對象。在建立綠色紡織製造商篩選供應商的行為模式時,考量PET再生聚酯纖維製造商於原料採購時,面臨回收寶特瓶物料品質和供應量不穩定,以及回收物料供應商作業有待標準化及技術提升的困境,而提出涵蓋原料品質、作業品質、服務品質及關係品質等元素的再生物料供應品質(Recycled-Material Supply Quality)概念。 再生物料供應品質屬一潛在變數,由原料純度、原料來源、準時交貨、臨時訂單之反應能力、清洗與雜質分離作業之標準化、協助取得環保標章等6項量測變數所構成。透過問卷調查與專家訪談來蒐集資料,進而決定出再生物料供應品質與各量測變數間的線性結構。 模式校估結果顯示,再生物料供應品質概念的加入,有效提升綠色紡織商篩選供應商行為模式的解釋能力。而綠色紡織製造商在評選供應商時,對價格較不敏感,比較重視再生物料供應商所能提供的物料品質、作業品質以及服務品質,即本研究所定義的再生物料供應品質。 A supplier selection inherently is a multi-criterion problem. Considering the unique challenges in green textile industry, this study propose a new concept of Recycled-Material Supply Quality (RM-Supply Quality) which is a latent variable measured by other eight indicators:Quality, Origin, Delivery, Response, Standardization, Eco-label. This study aims to incorporate the latent variable, RM-Supply Quality, into the choice model. The empirical case is the green textile industry in Taiwan. The empirical results demonstrated the effectiveness of this methodology. It showed that the inclusion of RM-Supply Quality significantly improved goodness-of fit measure of the choice model. The empirical results also showed that Taiwanese green textile companies view quality more important than price when selecting suppliers. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/47973 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |