Title: 票券商納入銀行體系之個案研究
A Case Study for banks M&A bill finance companies
Authors: 陳可芳
Chen, Kao-Fang
Keywords: 票券金融公司;併購;銀行;bill finance companies;merger;banks
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 1975年中興票券、國際票券、中華票券陸續成立形成三家寡佔,1994年由於政策開放,新設專業票券公司陸續成立,使得專業票券公司家數快速成長,高峰期共計16家專業票券公司。
In 1975, Chung Hsing Bills Finance Corpotation, International Bills Finance Coporation and China Bills Finance Coporation were set up successively and were in the formation of oligopoly.In 1994, because of the policy lifted the restriction, new professional bills companies have set up sucessfully. Rapid growth of the number of that was seen at that period. Sixteen companies were at the peak.
After the legislation of The Financial Institutions Merger Act and Financial Holding Company Act, the number of professional bills finance companies shrinked dramatically. There are only eight left now. The purpose of this dissertaion is to discuss the motivation and the idea of the phenomenon that bills finance companies were mergerd by banks through a real case study. This disseration also provides suggestions and recommendations to the existing companies and their stakeholders.
Appears in Collections:Thesis