Title: 二維彎道水理模式之研究
Study of Two Dimensional River Bend Flow Modeling
Authors: 謝德勇
Der-Yeong Shieh
Jinn-Chung Yang
Keywords: 二次流強度;Secondary Flow Strength
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本研究旨在用數值模式探討水流流經彎道時,其水理之特性與二次流強度
之發展情形.所採用的模式為深度平均二維淺水波水理模式 ,並採用正交
流速剖面所組合而成.並將模式運算結果與 de Vriend(1977) 之兩組實驗
數據及 Yeh(1990) 之動量矩模式作比較,以驗證模式之可靠度.由結果可
流之效應 .但總括來說,本模式之模擬結果與實驗值的比對在趨勢上已趨
A two-dimensional depth-averaged model is developed here to
simulate the flow pattern and the development of secondary flow
strength as flow passes through the bend. The depth-averaged
model is developed on the basis of the orthogonal coordinate
system to be adapted to the complex geometric boundary and the
irregular channels. The influence of secondary flow strength is
taken into account on the transverse mean velocity by adding an
angular velocity profile. The simulated results are compared
with sets of experimental data conducted by de Vriend(1977) and
the results from Yeh's moment model(1990) to show the
reliablity of the newly-developed model. By viewing the
comparsion results, it can be seen that the longitudinal
velocity along the concave bend has been increased due to the
secondary flow effect and close to the experimental data.
However, the secondary flow effect on the velocity along the
convex bend is insignificant. The insignificant effect of
secondary flow along the convex bend may be attributed to that
the depth-averaged model can not effectively introduce the
advective influence of the secondary flow in the simulation.
Neverthless, the simulated results have the consistent trend
with the experimental data and the results from the Yeh's
moment model. It is expected that this model should be reliable
for the practical use.
Appears in Collections:Thesis