Title: 行為驅策力,是「解除壓力」還是「追求效益」?
Behavioral Driving Force, From Charge Release or Benefit Search ?
Authors: 甘仲維
Chung-Wei Kan
Po-Lung Yu
Keywords: 習慣領域;解除壓力;追求效益;問卷調查;Habitual Domain;Charge Release;Benefit Search;Survey Research
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本論文是以習慣領域學說及相關理論為基礎架構,進而探討影響人類行為驅策力的主要因素之研究。本研究致力於釐清人類行為驅策力,到底是因為解除壓力還是追求效益使人們採取行動,若能有效的區分且歸納出人類行為的驅策力,將更利於理解人類行為與決策的動機,亦可印證或推翻既有的人類行為與決策的動態模式理論。



This research examined factors that affect the human behavioral driving force. The findings support most of the hypotheses based on the theories of Habitual Domain. The results indicate that “charge” and “drive” are significant factors pertaining to the behavioral driving force of decision making. This is an important research since it examines a basic tenet of economic theory (that is, human behavioral choice is based on a drive to maximize utility), and the basic hypothesis of habitual domain theory (that is, human behavior is to minimize the charge or stress of life).

The collection of all possible charges created by various goal functions is called the charge structure. Each event or activity may be associated with a set of goal functions. Our attention will be allocated to the events or activities which have the most significant influence on our entire charge structure. We examine the forces of human behaviors are to either release charge by the least resistance principle or positively search for benefit.

Based on a model of behavioral mechanism and theory of habitual domains, we have studied the human behavioral driving force through questionnaires. In order to show the applicability of the theories of habitual domains, we systematically collected 192 samples to understand the behaviors of part-time and full-time students in Taiwan, to know how they allocated their time over a variety of events everyday, and to understand the behavioral driving forces and the correlation coefficient between charge and drive. The findings can make people aware issues of time management and to increase the productivity.

This study is a contribution because of the lack of research in this area. Not only this research valuable because it investigates the human behavioral driving force further but it also reveal some of the many areas for future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis