Title: InGaAs 應變量子阱之光調制光譜研究
The Photoreflectance Spectroscopy of InGaAs Strain Quantum Wells
Authors: 廖建智
Liaw, Chen-Chy
Keywords: 光調制光譜;PR;SPR
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究主要是利用光調制反射光譜(Photoreflectance:PR)來量測並
分析InGaAs/GaAs及InGaAs/InGaAsP 應變量子阱結構的電子能態.對於
InGaAs/GaAs應變量子阱雷射結構,除了量測到低階躍遷(1.336 eV)外,尚
部電場強度,而InGaAs/InGaAsP應變量子阱除了低階躍遷(1.276 eV)外,尚
有高階躍遷(1.386 eV).另外在不同的雷射強度調制下發現其改變光調制
構量測及理論都已得到證實, 但在光調制反射光譜量測上還欠缺證據.除
導得知InGaAs的interband hydrostaticpressure deformation
potential 約為 -6.9 eV. 在低溫量測下,由於較小的展寬係數,進而更加
In this thesis,the electronic states of InGaAs/GaAs and
InGaAs/InGaAsP strain quantum wells were studied experimentally
by using photoreflectance (PR) spectroscopy and numerically
analyzed by beam propagation method(BPM). Sweeping PR system was
set up to measure PR spectra of the graded-indexseparated
confinement heterostructure (GRINSCH) 600nm-InGaAs/GaAs/
AlGaAslaser device. The spectrum feature of 1.335 eV is
attributed to the ground- state electron-heavy
hole transition is closed to the BPM analysis with E1
ehhtransition of 1.331 eV.The low-level and excited state
transition with energies1.276 eV and 1.386 eV were obtained by
PR measurement and fitting process for 600nm-InGaAa/1000nm-
InGaAsP multiple strain quantum wells. The fundamental
transition is closed to the photoluminescence(PL) feature of
1.2757 eV. Basedon the experimental data and BPM anylysis, we
induced that the interband hydrostatic pressure deformation
potential is around -6.9 eV for InGaAs
Appears in Collections:Thesis