Title: 台灣IDM公司關鍵成功因素研究(以華邦公司為例)
An Analysis of Key Successful Factors of Taiwan IDM Companies:A Case Study of Winbond Corporation
Authors: 梁文豪
Wen Hao Liang
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 半導體產業;整合元件製造商;因子分析;Semi-conductor industry;Integrated device manufacturing;Factor analysis
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 全球半導體產業概況以半導體產品最終應用為資訊產品來看,低價電腦對半導體多量低價的要求,將能產生規模經濟的大型企業才適合生存。國內的半導體產業已發展至成熟期,專業與效率為致勝的要素。國內業者產品過度集中於特定產品。以長期的經營角度而言,台灣半導體產業不能再以生產力為訴求,而是強調創新來開創競爭優勢。而競爭優勢來自於降低成本與增加附加價值。目前台灣企業都在作降低成本的策略,但很快將被鄰國所超越;企業必須往發展差異化的策略前進。也就是透過價值鏈的檢視,生產高附加價值的產品由於國外IDM業者的規模、資本、及研發能力皆優於國內IDM業者,國內IDM業者在研發能力上仍不足以與國外IDM大廠競爭,同時,還是負擔晶圓廠的營運成本,在價格上也受到IC設計業者的威脅。可謂處境困難。因此,本研究透過因子分析、專家訪談及個案分析在探討國內IDM業者之關鍵成功因素,期對國內業者之未來發展提出有效建議。本研究得到結論認為:一、國內IDM業者應致力於成為特定產品之領導廠商,二、由IDM解構為IC製造或IC設計,以達到不與客戶設計產品相衝突,及自行設計產品,並透過半導體垂直分工體系達到成本有效控制之優勢。
The situation of global semiconductor, referring to end-application products of semiconductor, low-price computer is asking for low-cost and high-volume, the big-scale company with economic production level, it only can survive, and the other company only can survive in the market which emphasized small-scale, and change elastically.

Semiconductor industry is mature in our country. The successful factor to win is with professionalism and efficiency. But the company over-concentrated on specific products such as information products, which grows up-and-down seriously in the business cycles.

For the angle of long-term management, it can not only pursue manufacturing in Taiwan Semiconductor industry, we should focus on creation to have the advantage of any contest. Most of Taiwan companies take cost-down as strategy, but it is easily catched up by the neighboring company, the entrepreneur must go ahead of strategies with differentiation that go through the examination of valued-chain, produced high-valued products.

The oversea IDM companies are better than local IDM on economic-scale, capital investment, R&D ability. Local IDM companies can’t compete with oversea IDM on R&D, but also lowering the cost of manufacturing operation, and face the cost pressure form IC design house, it is said in difficulties. Therefore, the study go with factor analysis and case study, offering some suggestions to local IDM: to be the leader of specific products, IDM-dividing, focusing thoroughly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis