Title: 氮化鎵之光激光及拉曼特性量測
Optical Charaterization of Gallium Nitride - Photoluminescence and Raman measurements
Authors: 沈志強
Shen, Chih-chiang
李明知, 陳衛國
M.C.Lee, W.K.Chen
Keywords: 氮化鎵;光激光;拉曼;GaN;PL;Raman;Si-doped
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 我們針對不同緩衝層厚度及不同摻矽濃度的氮化鎵薄膜進行光激光及
度的變化量為-4*10^-4 eV/K,施子束縛激子(donorbound exciton)和受
子束縛激子 (acceptor bound exciton)躍遷的活化能
的室溫光激光量測中,我們得到能隙值在純的氮化鎵薄膜中為3.426 eV,
而能隙值隨濃度的三分之一次方(n^1/3)縮減,其斜率為2.34*10-4 eV*cm
而有藍位移,這主要是因為與電漿子的交互作用(LO phonon-plasmon
The photoluminescence (PL) and Raman scattering of GaN
films with variousbuffer thicknesses and Si-doping
concentrations had been carried out. Good op-tical quality was
obtained with 100 A buffer thickness.PL results at
differenttemperatures showed a linear temperature coefficient of
the gap energy (-4×10^-1 eVK^-1), and the activation energies
of donor bound exciton and acceptor bound exciton transitions to
be 15 and 18 meV, respectively. For Si-doped GaNfilms, the 300K
PL measurements showed the reduced gap depends on carrier con-
centration as n^1/3. The concentration coefficient obtained was
2.34×10^-4eV*cm, and the band gap energy in pure GaN film was
3.426 eV.From Raman measure-ments, the A1(LO) mode was observed
to shift towards the high frequency and broaden with the
carrier concentrations that is due to the LO phonon-plasmon
interaction. The carrier concentrations determined by analyzing
the LO phonon-plasmon coupled mode agree well with that from
Hall measurements. Therefore, the Raman scattering is a suitable
technique to study the phonon-plasmon interaction in GaN.
Appears in Collections:Thesis