Title: 壓電晶體免疫感測器於醫療檢驗之應用
The appliciation of piezoelectric crystal immunosensor in clinical diagnosis
Authors: 鄭昇沛
Cheng, Shen-Pei
張正, 詹爾昌
C. Allen Chang, Err-Cheng Chan
Keywords: 壓電晶體;piezoelectric crystal
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 壓電晶體生物免疫感測器,其具有高靈敏性、高選擇性、即時分析、
,應用於以下三種檢測:(一)、幽門螺旋桿菌抗體的測定 萃取幽門
血清其衰減頻率差距達100Hz。當測量完成時,晶片可以利用1M NaOH脫覆
鑑別 本實驗以Anti-protein A antibody,IgG或血漿固定於晶片做為
測量金黃色葡萄球菌探針,其中以Anti-protein A antibody探針效果最
好,於2.14 x 105/mL菌量下,即可因頻率衰減差20Hz而被偵測到,且不
臟藥物digoxin微量分析 以Anti-digoxin monoclonal antibody固定晶片
提高測量靈敏度,改以BSA-digoxin conjugate 固定晶片為探針,利用加
入定量的anti-digoxin monoclonal antibody 與free digoxin,使BSA-
digoxin conjugate 與free digoxin 競爭Anti-digoxin monoclonal
antibody結合位置,以間接測定試液中 digoxin 的濃度。結果顯示,利
The advantages of piezoelectric crystal immunosensor are their
high sensitivity, high selectivity, real-time analysis, low
cost, and fast response. These properties are useful in a
clinical diagnosis to accelerate the process of examination and
to provide fast and accurate information to a doctor. In the
present study, we use piezoelectric crystal immunosensor to
develop three fast procedures to detect anti-Helicobacter pylori
antibodies, Staphylococcus aureus and digoxin.1.Detection of
anti-H. pylori antibodies Proteins extracted from H. pylori are
immobilized on the crystal to detect the existence of anti-H.
pylori antibodies in the host serum. The results revealed that
when serum was diluted in a range of 1/70 ~ 1/500, the decrease
frequency of the crystal was correlated to the concentration of
serum. The decrease may be due to the liquid viscosity and the
interference of nonspecific protein binding. The optimal
condition is obtained when the serum was 70-fold dilution and
the sample volume applied to the system was 250 mL. In this
condition, H. pylori infected serum and normal serum result in a
100Hz difference of frequency decrease of the crystal. In
addition, the crystal was regenerated after washing with 1 M
NaOH.2. Detection of S. aureus in serumAnti-protein A antibody,
IgG or human plasma are immobilized on the crystal for detecting
S. aureus. Result showed that immobilized anti-protein A
antibody was an appropriate probe for S. aureus detects.
Frequency decrease was measured as low as bacterial density of
2.14 x 105 cells/mL. However, when blood culture sample from
infected patients was appliedin this system, the specificity and
sensitivity were low. We found that the anti-protein A
antibodies from various commercial sources severely influenced
the test accuracy.3. Analysis of digoxin concentrationBy using
with immobilized anti-digoxin monoclonal antibody as a probe to
detect digoxin concentration in sample did not provide a
sufficient sensitivity. To overcome this issue, a competitive
method with BSA-digoxin as a probe was used. By adding a certain
amount of monoclonal anti-digoxin antibody to the unknown
sample, we could indirectly measure the concentration of digoxin
that compete by bound to immobilized BSA-digoxin. As low as 1.04
ng/mL of digoxin could be detected by this indirect method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis