Title: 利用特徵點檢測法則和空間座標判定法則作部份影像辨識
Image Registration Using Feature Nodes Detection and Spatial Coordinates Discretion
Authors: 周永隆
Chou, Yung-Long
Sheng-Fuu Lin
Keywords: 特徵點徵測;小波轉換;Feature detection;Wavelet transform
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在這篇論文中我們利用特徵點檢測法則和空間座標判定法則作部份影像
辨識。一開始我們利用小波轉換(wavelet transform)將影像中灰階變化
干擾時,為了防止雜訊點誤認作 特徵點,我們提出一套有效的方法來解
決這個問題。然後我們定出在空間座標上 特徵點之間的距離和角度關係
像的待辨認部份找出。 在我們的系統中是允許任意圖案的影像來進行辨
認,此外我們的部份影像和原始影像 之間也有了比例縮放、旋轉角度和
In this thesis, we use feature nodes detection and spatial
coordinates discretion to build image registration. At the
beginning, we utilize wavelet transform to indicate the places
with great change of gray-level on age. And those places are the
base to extract features. When there is noisy disturbance on the
image, in order not to choose a noise-disturbed pixel to be the
feature node, we propose a useful method to solve this problem.
Then we define distance and angle between two feature nodes in
spatial coordinates. Finally, we use the data of feature nodes
and the spatial coordinates discretion to successfully find out
the part waiting for our recognition on raw image. That our
recognition system allows various kinds of graphs is a progress
in image registration. Besides, our partial image has been
scaled, rotated or disturbed by noise, compared with raw image.
Appears in Collections:Thesis