Title: | 銀行服務品質之績效評估 The Performance Evaluation on Banking Service Quality |
Authors: | 洪永祥 Yung-Hsiang Hung 梁馨科 Dr. Shing-Ko Liang 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | 服務品質;製程能力指標;訊號雜音比;顧客滿意;目標品質區塊;service quality;process capability index;S/N ratio;ustomer satisfaction;target quality zone |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 摘 要 近年來隨著金融市場國際化趨勢及民眾對於銀行服務需求的多樣化,各銀行彼此間的競爭也更甚於以往。在顧客滿意的服務品質前提下,服務品質雖然與眼前的獲利(profitability)並沒有立即相關,卻是銀行業重要的無形資產。換言之,未來銀行的經營理念上不單只是追求財務數字之增加,更需要注重於顧客服務品質的提升。一般而言,目前國內外許多對於銀行整題服務品質的績效評估的研究文獻顯示,銀行服務品質對於銀行的經營績效及獲利影響程度甚為重大。就銀行服務品質而言,內部的作業績效水準與外部的顧客滿意程度是重要的關鍵服務要項。事實上,顧客通常在很短的關鍵時刻內,便已決定對銀行服務品質之評價,所以銀行櫃員的臨櫃表現及顧客重視的服務要項之服務品質的提升,是用以評估銀行服務品質績效重要的指標。也就是說,未來的銀行的經營必須對各項服務作業項目訂定更明確的作業服務指標,以更客觀的方式進行合理的人力資源運用及成本的效益化,及提升作業穩定性,做好顧客滿意零缺失的服務品質,已是當前各銀行服務品質管理重要的經營課題。 合理的銀行櫃員作業管理之績效評估工具不但可以有助於改善銀行整體作業品質,並可提升作業效率且可作業人員績效考核的依據。但由於許多銀行服務品質的要項大多不容易量化,且國內外許多關於服務品管文獻研究中,對於銀行整體服務品質績效作業中,關於櫃員作業績效及作業執行效率及顧客滿意研究分析工具之方便性及合理性仍有其缺失。有鑑於此,本研究乃以統計品管為基礎,將銀行各服務要項的服務時間視為作業品質規格條件,仿照製造業中田口品質工程之訊號雜音比(S/N Ratio)的觀念及應用製程能力指標( ),針對銀行櫃員與作業構建其適合的品質診測績效指標,以改善與提升內部服務品質。 本研究除了提供銀行內部作業績效評估方法外,另外也提供一套標準化的服務品質績效矩陣,用以評估並準確的分析顧客對各服務要項的重視及滿意水準,透過本研究所提供的方法,管理者只需依服務要項的顧客滿意度指標及重視度指標在服務品質績效矩陣的位置即可衡量出銀行在顧客服務品質水準的優勢與劣勢,並依此擬定出服務品質改善的方案與策略,本研究所提出的指標與方法,不但可以合理的反應出銀行整體作業品質與績效外,更可以協助銀行管理人員有效提升銀行整體服務品質與水準。 關鍵詞:服務品質、製程能力指標、訊號雜音比、顧客滿意、目標品質區塊 Abstract The competition among commercial banks is getting higher and higher owing to the corporate worldwide tendency and increasing customer demands. Under the prerequisite of customer satisfaction, although customer satisfaction does not directly reflect corporate profitability, the service quality becomes the tangible assets of commercial banks. Banks are encouraged to pursue not only the better financial reports, but also the higher customer satisfaction in the long run. In general, the internal operation performance is the principal factor on external customer satisfaction. Customers are normally served by the tellers, and the tellers play an important role of customer satisfaction. The tellers’ operation performance can be an evaluation index of commercial bank. Taguchi’s S/N ratio and process capability index (PCI), widely used in the manufacturing industry, evaluate tellers’ performance and operation performance to reasonably reflect the entire banking service quality and examine out the unexpected service elements to enhance the banking service quality. This research defines customer satisfaction index and customer expectation index based on the two parameters attributes of beta distribution, and the unbiased estimators for these two indices are provided. A standardized Service Quality Performance Matrix helps managers realize the service quality performance for important service items with respect to the locations of satisfaction index and expectation index on the Service Quality Performance Matrix to propose adequate service quality improvement plans and strategies. Keywords: service quality, process capability index, S/N ratio, customer satisfaction, target quality zone. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/68178 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |