Title: 智慧型代理人應用於營建供應鏈分包選商之研究
The Intelligent Agent Based Subcontracting and Prequalification System on Construction Supply Chain Procurement
Authors: 宋偉豪
Wei-Hau Sung
Ren-Jye Dzeng
Keywords: 分包;選商因子;供應鏈;智慧型代理人;Subcontract;Decisive factors;Supply chain;Intelligent agent
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 營建工程逐漸趨向大型化及專業分工的趨勢,營造公司在取得工程專案的同時,必須在有限的時間內,分析工程的資源狀況以及利潤高低,並將資源不足或利潤較低的部分加以分包(Subcontract),研究中並探討營造公司在擁有多個專案時的分包整合方式與特性。在營建供應鏈(Supply Chain)體系中,包含相關的協力廠商眾多,本研究利用國內外文獻整理出16項選商因子(例如:品質控制、成本高低、進度控制、施工技術以及財務狀況等),並且歸納各項因子的評量方式,以輔助採購人員選擇合適的協力廠商,並與其共同完成工程專案與建立良好的合作關係。最後本研究利用智慧型代理人的技術,減少營建供應鏈資訊負載的問題,並建立營建供應鏈的分包與選商系統,輔助採購決策人員有效率地進行分包與選商的作業。
Owing to the trend of growing scale and specialization of the construction projects, the construction firms especially with multiple projects have to analysis the state of resources and the profit in order to subcontract the project at hand in a limited duration of time. There are numerous of specialist contractors within the construction supply chain system. The research is to help the construction firms to choose appropriate specialist subcontractors and to achieve better collaboration by reviewing and analyzing and inducing 16 decisive factors (e.g. quality control, cost, schedule, technology, finance, etc.). The research also facilitate the technology of intelligent agent to build the subcontracting and pre-qualification system in order to relieve the load of information and to help the firms to perform the process of subcontracting and pre-qualification more effectively.
Appears in Collections:Thesis