Title: 應用平衡計分卡於IC設計服務專案之績效評量-以A公司為例
Applying Balanced Scorecard on Performance Evaluation of IC Design Service Project : A Case Study of A Corporation
Authors: 翁育生
Keywords: IC設計;專案;績效;平衡計分卡;IC Design;Project;Performance;Balanced Scorecard
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 由於消費性與個人行動電子產品需求大量崛起,隨著半導體科技製程的演進,對於IC晶片的微小化與節能需求大幅增加,也讓能將許多單一功能晶片進行整合的系統單晶片成為現今IC設計產業的不二選擇。然而由於需要與相關矽智財電子電路做設計整合,且複雜度增加,讓IC設計產業因為核心競爭能力的不同與多樣化的客戶需求,使得IC設計服務產業因為這種商業模式的強烈需求而興起,藉以協助終端產品製造客戶快速將產品量產上市。但是由於IC設計服務產業主要以客戶委託的類比或數位電路邏輯設計為服務出發點,除了應用自動化輔助設計流程完成客戶委託的系統單晶片設計之外,更需在過程中提供客戶滿意的設計整合與專案管理的服務。因此對於以技術、知識密集之IC設計服務業而言,客戶委託設計專案提供主要的營運動能,不僅攸關客戶滿意與經營成效,專案績效的高低同時也提供員工獎酬與激勵的來源,因此評估方式與指標的選擇顯得非常重要。
Due to the dramatic demanding of consumer and personal mobile electronic devices, as well as the technology evolution of semiconductor industry, miniature and power-saving of Integrated-Circuits (IC) is greatly required. The System-On-Chip (SoC) chips with integrated single chips are the only choice. However, the increased complexity to combine various of circuits, silicon Intellectual Property (IP) ,different core competence of IC design industry and customers' request result in the business model of IC design service to fulfill the needs of time-to-market.
IC design service industry practices its service in base of customer's entrusted designs that contain analog or logic circuits. In despite of delivering SoC chip to customers by applying electronic-design-automation (EDA) based implementation flows, it also needs to satisfy customers by providing the services of design integration and project management. With regard to IC design service industries featured with intensive design implementation and integration know-how, customer delegated design projects substantially supply the corporate business momentum. The project performance is not only concerned with customer satisfaction and operation performance, but also the origins of fulfilling inspiration and incentives to employees. Nevertheless, the approach of how to evaluate project performance and their corresponding indicators will be considerably essential under such circumstances.
In the meanwhile of pursuing the project goals, it is necessary for project performance evaluation to also take the required aspects into a whole consideration. Furthermore, it shall leverage customer's value by targeted project design achievements, as well as applying project execution and management strategy of corporate level into organization and employees. This paper specifically chooses A company served as IC design service industry to be the research subject and conducts relevant studies and investigation. In addition, the balanced score card (BSC) approach will be applied to the selected practical design service projects to assess the project performance. The consequences of performance evaluation will also be further analyzed and remarked to demonstrate its advantages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis