Title: 電源管理類比IC策略族群分析
Strategic Group Analysis in Power Management IC Industry
Authors: 彭敬仲
Peng, Ching-Chung
Tang, Ying-Chan
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 競爭優勢;策略族群;採納新科技生命週期;最小致勝賽局;Competitive advantage;Strategic Group;Minimum Winning Game;Life Cycle with Innovation.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年來隨著溫室效應所帶來的氣候變遷,使得能源議題成為全球注目焦點,為了達到節能減碳的目標,對於電子產品的節能規範也更加完備,由於對於3C產品的節能及電源轉換效率有更高的限制,電源管理類比IC市場也已出現規格轉換的世代交替。IC設計企業如何持續創造競爭優勢?如何持續的有效創新並將新技術推向市場?這種屬於「輕資產」類別的IC設計族群,過去都以單一類別、少數幾個區域國家或少數幾家個案公司觀察與研究其競爭優勢,無法看到整個產業的全貌,並且在IC設計的功能高度整合與激烈競爭下,數位與類比等IC分類成為一個連續帶,分類的界限已經越加模糊,也缺少用動態的觀點去看待產業的變化。本研究的主要目的為利用分析策略集群與產業結構,評估出2007~2011間全球IC設計產業企業族群的競爭優勢。再從中找出電源管理類比IC企業族群的競爭策略,從多個構面來分析企業經爭能力和資源應用的效率與效能,藉此了解整的產業的競爭態勢、產業結構與策略組合,期望能對電源管理類比IC相關企業提出經營策略和管理上的參考與建議,研究實證結果發現在供應商關係管理、客戶關係管理、知識管理、資產管理等四個構面組成的主要的競爭因素,供應商關係管理佳的企業的績效最佳,客戶關係管理能力佳的企業也有不錯的績效,而過去許多的研究顯示在高科技領域,專注在知識管理與研發的公司其績效表現較佳,但本研究發現由於跨產業的競爭加劇,產業界線的模糊、產品生命週期變短、技術之不確定性、競爭之不易性、市場之模糊性及更加劇烈的產業環境變化,只專注投入資源在研發的公司,其財務績效表現相對較差,面臨巨大的挑戰。只有少數具有價值的技術能力才能取得客戶的信任,因此有較佳的客戶關係,為企業帶來利潤與競爭優勢,而藉著策略聯盟與商業模式的開發所建立的Ecosysem,更能結合技術能力,為企業帶來更多利潤與競爭優勢。
對於如何精準的投入研發與新技術,動態的調整策略與不斷的培養組織能力,並思考商業模式,本文利用Geoffrey A. Moore「採納新科技生命週期」的Outside-In行銷戰略思考搭配最小致勝賽局(Minimum Winning Game) (Burgelman and Siegel, 2006)的產品技術創新過程準則,提供藉由技術創新準則與市場區隔與選擇的整合行銷戰略,維持企業長期競爭優勢的企業長青思維。
Greenhouse effect、climate change and energy issues are big topics in recent years. Energy efficiency specifications for electronic products are more complete in order to achieve energy saving and carbon reduction targets. The power management analog IC market has also appeared specifications generational transition. How to create sustainable competitive advantage? How effective in continuous innovation and speeding up the introduction of new technologies to the market? Such as "asset-light" IC design group category. More thesis discuss about a single category、a few countries in the region observation and study the case company in the past. But you can not see the whole picture of the industry. Digital and analog IC classification has become increasingly blurred the boundaries and the cluster also lack of a dynamic perspective to view the industry. This thesis examine the power management IC design strategic groups in IC design industry, we refer to the thesis of Tang and Liou (2010) in SMJ which describes how the inference “sustainable competitive advantage generates sustainable superior performance”. To understand the competition of different groups within the industry the competitive advantage. So enterprises can be enhanced for its competitive advantage or disadvantage against the competition to be reduced, creating a superior operating performance. Empirical results of this study to investigate the customer relationship management, supplier relationship management, knowledge management, asset management are the four major competitive factors of competitive advantage of enterprises. We also discover companies with good management capability of customer relationship can get sustainable superior performance than other strategic groups. And we also discover enterprises perform well with good supply relationship management group. It means companies can create superior performances which have capability to integrate supply chains among multiple industries. Many past studies have shown that in high technology industry, those knowledge management companies can create better performance. However, this study find that as cross-industry competition, shorter product life cycles, industry boundaries blur, only the traditional focus of knowledge-based, research-based management of the company, its financial performance is relatively poor, will face more challenges. The thresis also exploit the theoy of Minimum Winning Game and Product Life Cycle with Innovation then provid long-term competitive advantage thinking.
Appears in Collections:Thesis