Title: | 由能力集合分析探討成語計策-以三十六計為例 Analysis of Chinese Idiomatic Strategies Using Habitual Domains and Competence Sets |
Authors: | 洪韻嵐 Hong, Yun-Lan 游伯龍 Yu, Po-Lung 管理學院資訊管理學程 |
Keywords: | 習慣領域;能力集合;潛在領域;實際領域;可達領域;Habitual Domains;Competence Sets;Potential Domains;Aatual Domains;Reachable Domains |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 計策常出現在突如其來的時刻或意想不到之處,孫子說:「善戰者,致人而不致於人。」要成功「致人」,就必須主動發現問題、掌握問題的實際領域(Actual Domains:AD)、潛在領域(Potential Domains:PD)、可達領域(Reachable Domains:RD),主動影響對手對其能力集的運用,如此才能超越對手的HD,攻其不備,出其不意,進而創造成功。 三十六計中各計策一律用四字或三字成語命名,令人一見計名便可大體領會計策的精神意涵。過去對於此類成語計策的探討多由實際領域(AD)角度切入,分析計策的實際行動,卻少見針對參與者彼此間能力集合的轉化、從潛在領域裡尋求能力集的擴展以使我方立於不敗之地等方向進行探討。本文以黎漢林教授、游伯龍教授曾對中國成語計策六十六計及孫子兵法整理歸類所作的分類為基礎,對三十六計做一深入歸納、分析與探討,以HD、能力集合說明中國計策如何使人先立於不敗而後求勝,並透過企業上或歷史上的實例,讓人們對計策背後的意涵有更深入的了解,並知道如何活用它,在面對決策問題時,便可找到因應的對策,減少盲點的發生。 It is quite often that “tactics” are coming out of nowhere, at the times when we do not expect them at all, or in places where we normally would not think of. Sunzi said “People who are good at warfare know how to restrict their rival, and not be restricted.” If one wants to restrict and conquest his/her rival, he/she needs to proactively find out and control on the Actual Domains, Potential Domains, and Reachable Domains of the problems involved, and to aggressively influence his/her rivals’ use of their competence sets. With such effort, he/she could surpass the habitual domains (HD) of his/her rivals as to make surprise attack when the opponent is off-guard, and create success. Each one of the thirty-six tactics is named in either four-word or three-word idioms. The name of each strategy can readily reveal the intrinsic meaning of the tactic. The past studies on these idiomatic strategies are usually based on Actual Domains (AD). They made analyses on the actual actions of the tactics. They seldom analyze the transformation and interactions of the competence sets which ever evolves and changes in the players’ Potential Domains. This study uses the classifications compiled by Professor Li (Li, Han-Lin) and Professor Yu (Yu, Po-Lung) on the Sixty-Six Tactics of Chinese Idiom Strategies and Sunzi Bingfa to make analyses the well known Thirty-Six Tactics. Habitual Domain Theory and Competence Sets analysis are the main tools to study and analyze the tactics. We show how the tactics work toward success. Examples drawn from history and/or business cases are used to illustrate the meanings of the tactics and show how to put them to work in our daily lives. In front of challenging decision problems, these tactics and illustrations can reduce decision blinds and allow us to make good decisions. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74061 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |