Title: 一個基於公有雲且適用於異質性測試目標的雲端測試服務
A flexible public cloud based testing service for heterogeneous testing targets
Authors: 謝勝任
Keywords: 雲端;測試;服務;雲端測試;cloud;testing;service;cloud testing
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 現存許多基於網路的服務,為了保證服務的品質,服務必須被測試。但是大部分現存的測試服務只能針對特定的測試目標且不能將模擬出來的使用者同時佈建到世界不同的城市,為了解決這些問題本篇論文提出了一個基於公有雲且適用於異質性測試目標的測試服務。使用本篇論文提出的服務可以將模擬出來的使用者同時佈建至不同的城市並可以針對不同類型的測試目標進行測試,當測試結束時使用者可以下載測試結果與分析資料。為了展示本論文提出服務的能力我們共執行了5個不同的實驗來確保本服務的測試品質並且可以確實的將模擬出來的使用者佈建到不同的城市執行測試。
To guarantee quality of the service, services need to be tested to ensure the service quality. But most of existing testing service can’t provide multi-type testing and deploy testing clients concurrently in different regions. To overcome these problems, in this paper, a cloud testing service combine cloud computing and multi-testing tools is proposed. Using the proposed service user can deploy the testing clients in different countries to access the testing targets, when the testing is finish user can easily get both of detail and summarized test results. To show the capabilities of proposed service, four experiments are performed. The results shows that the proposed service can guarantee testing quality, automatically deploy testing clients concurrently in different region, get latency from different countries, and perform press testing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis