Title: 基於最佳化之前瞻無線通訊系統實體層設計
On Physical-Layer Design for Emerging Wireless Communication Systems: An Optimization-Based Approach
Authors: 馬峻楹
Ma, Chun-Ying
Huang, Chia-Chi
Keywords: 循環字首;正交分頻多工;巨量天線;空間多工;考量電路耗能演算法;單載波區塊傳輸;cyclic-prefix;orthogonal frequency division duplex;massive antenna;space division multiplexing;circuit-power-aware algorithm;single carrier block transmission
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 本論文旨在針對前瞻無線通訊系統之重要技術問題,在最佳化方法的輔助下,提出可硬體實現化之演算法。本論文分為三個部分,涵括的主題有:循環字首回收、考量電路耗功之設計、應用於前瞻無線通訊系統之(預)等化器。



This dissertation aims to propose hardware-implementable solutions, with the aid of optimization techniques, for some open issues in emerging wireless communication systems. This dissertation is divided into three parts, and the covered issues include cyclic prefix (CP) recycling, circuit-power-aware communication algorithms, and (pre)-equalizers for emerging wireless communication systems.

In Part I, the CP recycling scheme is considered. In this part, I proposed the optimum CP reuse strategies in the presence of additive noise, Doppler spread, and phase noise, separately. Compared to conventional (heuristic) strategies, the proposed methods show evident improvement, while maintaining similar complexity.

As mobile equipments suffer from the insufficiency of battery capacity, system design taking circuit power consumption into consideration has been a trend in communication engineering. In Part II (including Chapter 4 and Chapter 5), circuit-power-aware communication algorithms were proposed. In beamforming applications, there is a tradeoff between diversity gain and circuit power consumption, i.e., activating more antennas results in more diversity gain but more circuit power consumption (contributed by mixers, filters, digital/analog-converters) in the meantime. In order to strike a balance between diversity gain and circuit power consumption and minimize the overall power consumption, Chapter 4 proposed a systematic algorithm that dynamically determines the set of active antennas and adjusts the beamforming weights. Afterwards, in Chapter 5, a power-loading algorithm with respect to energy-efficiency, which is evaluated by bit-per-Joule, is proposed. This method can be applied to uniform-rate orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems to improve energy efficiency.

In Part III (from Chapter 6 to Chapter 8), low-complexity equalizers and precoders were proposed. In Chapter 6, a linear spatial-temporal precoder for time-dispersive broadcast channels is proposed, and the potential applications to millimeter-wave and MISO-based cellular communications were described. The proposed precoding method could be a promising candidate in the future development of fifth-generation cellular communications, where millimeter wave band is used and massive antennas are exploited. In Chapter 7, a low-complexity time-domain linear equalizer for single-carrier block transmission (SCBT) is proposed. Numerical results show that the proposed method can significantly reduce complexity under a tolerable performance degradation. Chapter 8 discusses the topic of MIMO transmitter and receiver diversity techniques and aims to design algorithms that can be applied to the following situation : `\emph{a MIMO system whose channel information is ONLY available at transmitter}'. In this chapter, I proposed sophisticated methods and showed that the system can perform well by using this method even if receiver does not have channel knowledge.
Appears in Collections:Thesis