Title: 次世代毫米波行動通訊系統之中頻收發模組
Intermediate frequency transceiver development for next generation millimeter wave mobile communication system
Authors: 莊錦政
Chuang, Chin-Cheng
Hwang, Ruey-Bing
Keywords: 毫米波;收發機;訊號雜訊比;millimeter wave;transceiver;signal to noise ratio
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本論文利用四層板的製程,設計並製作了一個次世代毫米波行動通訊系統之中頻收發模組。為了減少電路元件的使用量,並且達到高度的整合性,我們所採用的是直接升頻(Direct Up-Conversion)與直接降頻(Direct Down-Conversion)的架構,其中心操作頻率為2.4GHz。針對模組調變訊號的品質,我們用誤差向量幅度(Error Vector Magnitude, EVM)做為評估的標準。模組發射模態(Tx)量測結果顯示,當I/Q輸入能量在大於-5dBm以上時,三種調變訊號(包括QPSK、16-QAM與64-QAM)所量測到的EVM為2%,其中符號率(Symbol Rate)為25Msym/s。模組接收模態(Rx)量測結果顯示,中頻訊號在輸入能量為-85dBm到-35dBm之間有較好的EVM,為1.2%,代表模組有50dB的動態範圍(Dynamic Range)。在無線傳輸的量測中,架設收發模組進行實地場測,以驗證收發模組之性能。實驗結果顯示,在外在環境的干擾下,模組還是具有不錯的解調能力,所量測到的EVM為5%。
In this thesis, an intermediate frequency transceiver module for next generation millimeter wave mobile communication
is realized by using multilayer printed circuit board process. For the purpose of reducing the number of electronic components and high degree of integrity, we use the architecture of Direct-Conversion as the basic layout scheme. The module operates at 2.4 GHz with bandwidth of 250 MHz. We use error vector magnitude (EVM) as the main criterion to assess the quality of the module. Three kinds of modulation signal are adopted, including QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM.The symbol rate of the modulation signal is set 25 Msym/s. The measurement results show that the EVM is below 3% when the module is operating at both Tx mode and Rx mode. Additionally, the module has the dynamic range about 50 dB. At the final measurement, we conduct a field trial test to validate the transmit-receive performance of the fabricated transceiver.The results show that the module has certain capability of demodulation under none ideal environment. The measured EVM is about 5 %.
Appears in Collections:Thesis