Title: 最有利標之選商決策與標價審查模式
Models of Contractor Selection and Bid Price Evaluation for Most Advantageous Tendering Method
Authors: 林俊昌
Lin, Chun-Chang
Wang, Wei-Chih
Keywords: 最有利標;多準則分析;層級架構分析;基因遺傳演算法;A3;標價評審;most advantageous tendering (MAT);multiple criteria analysis;analytic hierarchy process (AHP);bid price evaluation;adaptive AHP approach (A3);genetic algorithm (GA);contractor selection
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 國內施行多年的最有利標決標方式是多準則(Multiple-Criteria)的選商決策方法之一,隨著國內公共工程逐漸大型化,所涉及的專案工程屬性也越來越複雜,在營建市場競爭之情形下,如何根據專案的特性,並透過良好的選商機制,遴選(或評估)最符合業主需求的廠商已經是學界及業界多年來關心的課題。本研究旨在結合學界與業界之作法,提出一套真正符合法規精神且可適用於不同專案特性需求之最有利標選商決策模型。
本研究探討的課題主要包括最有利標選商決策方法及最有利標標價評審兩部分。在選商決策方法部分,本研究以國內最有利標之選商案例,並以傳統AHP方法為基礎,運用基因遺傳演算法(Genetic Algorithm , GA)發展一套改良式AHP方法(Adaptive AHP Approach, 簡稱A3),以取代傳統AHP方法對決策者重新訪調之程序,快速求得符合傳統AHP方法一致性要求之準則項目相對重要性權重值,進而作為計算廠商得分及名次排序之依據。其次在最有利標標價評審方面,除了總標價外,本研究將標單結構中詳細表階層之分項工程價格納入評審,並將廠商投標總價及分項工程價格以線性方式轉換成分數,據以計算投標廠商之價格總得分,或作為廠商評定序位之依據,這種標價評分方法,已將學界之研究方法應用在解決實務上的問題,這些經驗與知識將可供未來相關從業人員參考。
The most advantageous tendering (MAT) method, which has been adopted for years in Taiwan, is one of the multiple-criteria decision procedures for contractor selection. Recently for public construction there is a tendency toward large-scale, in this condition multitudinous characteristics are involved. Due to the intense competition on construction market, both academic and businessman are most concerned to build a proper contractor selection procedure based on individual project characteristics to satisfy owner’s demand. The purpose of this paper is namely to integrate academic and commercial procedure and then propose a model of contractor selection decision for MAT which conforms to the spirit of laws and regulations and is applicable to projects with different characteristics.
The major contributions of this paper include two parts, the contractor selection model and bid price evaluation for MAT. First, the study on the contractor selection is based on the traditional AHP method but adopts the genetic algorithm (GA) to derive the adaptive AHP approach (A3). Differing from traditional AHP, this approach is more efficient in generating criterion items and their relative significance value for further scoring and ranking since the re-interview procedure of policymaker in tradition AHP is replaced. Next as regards the bid price evaluation, the item price is also considered in the evaluation. The concept of utility value is applied to linearly transform the total price and item price into corresponding scores to obtain final scores for further grading. This method is an indeed application of academic research to solve practical problems thus any acquired experience and knowledge in this paper is absolutely referable for future application.
In conclusion, in this paper the A3 is used to calculate the relative significance value of each criterion item for the contractor selection of MAT instead of the traditional AHP. Achievement of the adaptive AHP cooperated with familiar scoring method is not only conformable to laws and regulations but it is also more beneficial on time, cost and quality than traditional AHP. Furthermore, the proposed bid price evaluation model makes the outcome of whole multiple-criteria decision procedures more impartial and objective.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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