Title: 工業服務創新之策略分析-以A公司為例
Strategic Analyses of Industrial Service Innovations –
Authors: 鄭俊彥
Chun-yen Cheng
Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 價值創新;工業服務創新;Value innovation;Industrial Service innovation
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 個案所探討之企業係以工業服務為主於電子產品相關測試驗證服務。本研究將透過一系列決策的過程,進行問題定義、方案分析、選擇及執行,對個案公司未來的策略佈局進行探討。個案公司目前在產業價值鏈當中,成功扮演降低價值鏈上下游客戶之間的交易成本及個別客戶的研發成本的角色,未來有更大空間朝往現有服務精進。可定位在藉由整合不同領域的知識,在現有服務市場上進行價值創新;此外,對於未來的策略佈局,可奠基在目前公司所擁有的核心能力上建造服務平台 (service platform),整合法規市場的認證發證服務及元件提供,以全方位解決方案,滿足不同交易角色之間的需求。
The major service items of the subject company are providing industrial verification and testing for electrical and electronic products. The purpose of the case study is to analyze the problems and business opportunities from all of its connections in the electronic products manufacturing chains. To continue exploring how to sustain growth and profit the value proposition for the subject company is to reduce the transaction costs and R&D costs of its clients via providing testing and failure analyses. The company A should focus on creating value innovations of current services to integrate different domains of knowledge by forming problem solving teams. In addition based on its core competence and the unique position in the value chain it should evolve itself into a service platform by acting as a verification agent as well as a solution provider.
Appears in Collections:Thesis