Title: | 瓦楞棧板廠投資之評估-Unipal瓦楞棧板個案研究 Financial Evaluation of Corrugated Pallet Plant-Case Study with Unipal Corrugated Pallet Project |
Authors: | 羅玉瑩 Yu-Ying Lo 許和鈞 Her-Jiun Sheu 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | Unipal瓦楞棧板;財務分析;敏感度分析;Unipal corrugated pallets;Financial analysis;Sensitivity analysis |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 木製棧板因其易於攜帶植物病蟲害及黴菌等特性,因而傳播到異地而影響當地生態平衡,進而嚴重威脅了全球生態環境。對此問題,聯合國主動製定了國際公約規範,目前已有超過100多個國家已簽署IPPC公約,以約定全球共同防治木製棧板生態污染的協議及規範木製棧板的安全使用。為預防各國因頻繁的貿易往來而攜帶病蟲害而危害到生態環境,在ISPM15規範下,許多國家要求進口的木質包裝材料,均應熱處理或溴化甲烷燻蒸消毒,以消滅木質包裝材料中的有害生物,各國已開始陸續對木製棧板嚴格規範或逐步禁止使用。而往後可替代的產品,除了要符合法令外,環境保護因近年來受到關注,產品可被回收重覆利用也是重要考量。 因法令及環保問題,使現行木製棧板使用者必須對未來有所因應,本篇研究將提供大中華地區棧板使用業者、運輸業者及棧板業者對棧板升級的認識,瞭解如何選擇棧板,並以Mondi Packaging所擁有之專利技術-- Unipal瓦楞棧板,在大中華地區進行建廠評估,個案分析的結果提供欲進入該產業者一個參考。 本研究主要以個案研究方法及文獻蒐集方法為主。資料的來源將以專家意見訪談、網站上搜集之資訊、報章雜誌、各項研究報告及統計資料,加以整理後;再輔以針對個案以財務的財務分析方式進行評估,並針對個案、實例的觀察,加以分析研究。 本研究結果經以財務分析方法試算,試算之NPV及IRR值皆為可行之投資案,另以投資案的關鍵影響因子試算敏感度分析,列出關鍵影響因子影響程度,結果可以做為Unipal瓦楞棧板投資案風險管理之重點,期能降低風險,使投資案更具可行性。 The wooden Pallets have caused global pest control problem since they carry bio-insects to any destination country, and the new bio-insects/ pests were born after a bio-insect/ pest immigrant to a new country and mates with local bio-insects/ pests. It has severely impacted on the global plant protection. Fortunately, the United Nations and more than 100 countries have signed the Plant Protection Treaty for prevention of the wooden pallets to biological pollution and regulation of using wooden pallets. Under the regulation of ISPM15, it is regulated that to prevent the harm of bio-insects/pest in wooden pallets to biology through prosperous trading over the world, many countries request the imported wooden packaging materials should be heat treated or fumigated in order to eliminate the harmful bio-insects/pest in wooden packaging materials. Worldwide countries has gradually practiced strict rule or prohibited to use wooden packaging materials. The substitutes shall be not only in accordant with regulation but also be recycled due to the environmental protection issue. Due to regulation and environmental concern, the user of wooden packaging materials must consider their future resource and packaging solution. This study would provide the acknowledgement of pallets upgrade and pallets selection for those users of Chinese related area, cargo carriers and pallets manufacturers. The study provides evaluation of the Unipal corrugated pallets under the patent of Mondi Packaging construction plan as reference for future incomers. The paper is based on the case study and literature collection. The study is compiled by information from interviewing, the internet, news paper, magazines, research papers and statistics; then, it is evaluated by the financial analytical method. The result of research is calculated by financial analytical method, by the financial analysis, the study shows the NPV and IRR value of this plant construction as feasible investment. Furthermore, using key factors of this plant construction to calculate the sensitivity analysis in each factor and then lists the influential degree of key factors which results in the reference of risk management of Unipal corrugated pallet investment and makes the investment more practical. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/82353 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |