Title: | 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造設計規範之檢討及梁柱接頭試驗研究 Review of SRC Design Code and Test of Beam-Column Connection |
Authors: | 翁正強 WENG CHENG-CHIANG 國立交通大學 |
Keywords: | 鋼骨鋼筋混凝土構造(SRC);設計規範;梁柱接頭實驗;SRC;Design code;Beam-column connection test |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 本研究之內容主要分為兩大部份:第一部份為檢討與修正內政部建研所於民國86年委託結構工程學會研擬的「鋼骨鋼筋混凝土(SRC)構造設計規範草案」。研究過程中將參考包括美國AISC-LRFD、ACI、NEHRP及日本AIJ等相關設計規範及國內外近年來新的SRC實驗資料與921集集大地震之後相關耐震設計規定之修訂。第二部份將針對數種常用的SRC梁柱接頭型式,進行一系列大尺寸試體之動力試驗,以深入瞭解各種SRC梁柱接頭型式之耐震性能。本研究規劃之梁柱接頭型式將包括(1) SRC柱+鋼梁;(2) 鋼管混凝土柱+鋼梁。研究重點將包括(1)瞭解SRC柱接頭區之箍筋量與間距對於鋼梁塑性鉸發生位置之影響。(2)考量鋼梁與鋼柱的接合型式對於梁柱接頭耐震性能之影響。(3)探討鋼管混凝土柱內部之連續板與混凝土對於梁柱接頭耐震性能之影響等。 Review of SRC Design Code and Test of Beam-Column Connection The objectives of this research include the following two parts:(1)	To review and revise the tentative Design Code for the Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) Structures which was proposed to ABRI in 1997. The revision will be based on new evidence of SRC tests and the seismic design lessons learned from the 921 Ji-Ji earthquake which hit central Taiwan in 1999. Foreign design codes including ACI, AISC, NEHRP and AIJ are also important references for this study.(2)	To better understand the seismic behavior of SRC structures, 10 large scale tests of SRC beam-column connections will be conducted in the structural laboratory in NCTU. Three different types of SRC beam-column connection are to be tested: (a) SRC column + steel beam, (b) Concrete-filled steel box column + steel beam, (c) SRC column with steel box + steel beam. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/93603 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=627094&docId=116709 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |