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Showing results 3 to 22 of 60 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-1970Assessing Agreement Between Two Methods of Quantitative Measurements: Exact Test Procedure and Sample Size CalculationShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Sep-2018The Bland-Altman range of agreement: Exact interval procedure and sample size determinationJan, Show-Li; Shieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2011BOT計畫之財務可行性及風險評估分析:竹南地區污水下水道建設之個案分析鄭政揚; 鍾惠民; 謝國文; Chung, Huimin; Shieh, Gwowen; 管理學院管理科學學程
Sep-2016Choosing the best index for the average score intraclass correlation coefficientShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Nov-2011Clarifying the role of mean centring in multicollinearity of interaction effectsShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
Apr-2016A comparative appraisal of two equivalence tests for multiple standardized effectsShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
13-Mar-2020Comparison of alternative approaches for difference, noninferiority, and equivalence testing of normal percentilesShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Dec-2012A comparison of two indices for the intraclass correlation coefficientShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Mar-2013Confidence intervals and sample size calculations for the weighted eta-squared effect sizes in one-way heteroscedastic ANOVAShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Jul-2009Detecting Interaction Effects in Moderated Multiple Regression With Continuous Variables Power and Sample Size ConsiderationsShieh, Gwowen; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Feb-2009Detection of interactions between a dichotomous moderator and a continuous predictor in moderated multiple regression with heterogeneous error varianceShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
3-Jul-2013Determining Sample Size With a Given Range of Mean Effects in One-Way Heteroscedastic Analysis of VarianceShieh, Gwowen; Jan, Show-Li; 交大名義發表; 管理科學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Management Science
1-Apr-2014Determining Sample Sizes for Precise Contrast Analysis With Heterogeneous VariancesJan, Show-Li; Shieh, Gwowen; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
1-Feb-2019Effect size, statistical power, and sample size for assessing interactions between categorical and continuous variablesShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2017The equivalence of two approaches to incorporating variance uncertainty in sample size calculations for linear statistical modelsShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2017The equivalence of two approaches to incorporating variance uncertainty in sample size calculations for linear statistical modelsShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Nov-2010Estimation of the simple correlation coefficientShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
2009Exact Analysis of Squared Cross-Validity Coefficient in Predictive Regression ModelsShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
1-Sep-2006Exact interval estimation, power calculation, and sample size determination in normal correlation analysisShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science
6-Sep-2016Exact Power and Sample Size Calculations for the Two One-Sided Tests of EquivalenceShieh, Gwowen; 管理科學系; Department of Management Science