Browsing by Author Kuo, Cheng-Huang

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017CdTe量子點化學合成方法與包覆劑差異之特性柯立安; 郭政煌; Ke, Li-Ann; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電系統研究所
1-Apr-2012Current Spreading Improvement in GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diode Grown on Nano-Rod GaN TemplateKuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Li-Chuan; Chou, Hsiu-Mei; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Sep-2015Enabling High-Injection Current Light-Emitting Diodes Prepared on 10-mu m-Thick GaN Films Grown by Hydride Vapor Phase EpitaxyChen, Yu-An; Chang, Chia-Wei; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Jul-2010Functional imprinting structures on GaN-based light-emitting diodes for light pattern modulation and light extraction efficiency enhancementTu, Sheng-Han; Wu, Shang-Yen; Lee, Yeeu-Chang; Pan, Jui-Wen; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Wang, Chih-Ming; Chang, Jenq-Yang; 光電系統研究所; Institute of Photonic System
1-Mar-2014GaN-Based Light-Emitting-Diode With a p-InGaN LayerChen, P. H.; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Lai, W. C.; Chen, Yu An; Chang, L. C.; Chang, S. J.; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
2011Highly Reflective Ag/La Bilayer Ohmic Contacts to p-Type GaNChen, I-Chen; Chen, Yi-Dar; Hsieh, Chih-Chien; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Li-Chuan; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-May-2013Improved light reflectance and thermal stability of Ag-based ohmic contacts on p-type GaN with La additiveChen, I-Chen; Cheng, Bo-Yuan; Ke, Wen-Cheng; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Li-Chuan; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Jul-2013Localized Lasing Mode in GaN Quasi-Periodic Nanopillars at Room TemperatureWu, Tzeng-Tsong; Chen, Chih-Cheng; Chen, Hao-Wen; Lu, Tien-Chang; Wang, Shing-Chung; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
2012Mode Localization in Defect-free GaN-based Bottom-up Photonic Quasicrystal LasersWu, Tzeng-Tsong; Chen, Chih-Cheng; Chen, Hao-Wen; Lu, Tien-Chang; Wang, Shing-Chung; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-Apr-2014Nitride-Based Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Grown With InN/GaN Matrix Quantum WellsKuo, Cheng-Huang; Fu, Yi Keng; Chang, L. C.; Chen, Yu An; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Nov-2015Numerical Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Current Spreading Length in Nitride-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Prepared on 10-mu m-Thick n-GaN TemplateChen, Yu-An; Chang, Chia-Wei; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
6-Dec-2010Optical properties of light emitting diodes with a cascading plasmonic gratingWang, Chih-Ming; Tsai, Yao-Lin; Tu, Sheng-Han; Lee, Chien-Chieh; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Jenq-Yang; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Feb-2011Output power enhancements of nitride-based light-emitting diodes with inverted pyramid sidewalls structureChang, Li-Chuan; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Kuo, Chi-Wen; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
2011Regrowth of High Quality Heavily Si-Doped nGaN Utilizing Nano-Rod GaN TemplateKuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Li-Chuan; Chou, Hsiu-Mei; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
1-Jul-2014Spatial Correlation Between Efficiency and Crystal Structure in GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes Prepared on High-Aspect Ratio Patterned Sapphire Substrate With Sputtered AlN Nucleation LayerChang, Li-Chuan; Chen, Yu-An; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
2014Void Shapes Controlled by Using Interruption-Free Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth of GaN Films on Patterned SiO2 AlN/Sapphire TemplateChen, Yu-An; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; Chang, Li-Chuan; Wu, Ji-Pu; 照明與能源光電研究所; Institute of Lighting and Energy Photonics
2012以新式磊晶側向成長法成長高品質氮化鎵薄膜之研究張維軒; Chang, Wei-Hsuan; 郭政煌; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電系統研究所
2017共晶技術應用於高功率覆晶藍光發光二極體之研究蘇毓堂; 郭政煌; Su, Yu-Tang; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電科技學程
2013利用有機金屬化學氣相沉積法成長氮化鎵薄膜於電子束蒸鍍金屬層黃詳壹; Huang, Siang-Yi; 郭政煌; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 光電系統研究所
2013利用氫化物氣相磊晶法成長氮化鎵厚膜於濺鍍氮化鋁緩衝層之圖案化藍寶石基板吳霽圃; Wu, Ji-Pu; 郭政煌; Kuo, Cheng-Huang; 照明與能源光電研究所