标题: Effects of atomic scale imperfection at the interfaces of CoSi2 and Si (100) on Schottky barrier contacts
作者: Chiou, Chien-Jyun
Chiu, Shao-Pin
Lin, Juhn-Jong
Chou, Yi-Chia
Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Physics
公开日期: 1-一月-2015
摘要: We report here the correlation of electrical properties on Schottky barrier contacts and atomic scale imperfections based on the degree of lattice distortion and moire fringes at the interfaces of CoSi2 and Si. The I-V measurements showed that the higher levels of perfection of the interfaces gave better Schottky barrier characteristics and we discuss the implications of the transport property at Schottky barrier contacts.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c5ce00655d
ISSN: 1466-8033
DOI: 10.1039/c5ce00655d
Volume: 17
Issue: 23
起始页: 4276
结束页: 4280