DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin, San-Juen_US
dc.description.abstract以課後活動佔學童一天時間的比例來看,課後時間從事的活動確實對國小學童的身心發展有重大影響,本研究的目的在於探討國小高年級學童參與課後活動類型(學業相關類、積極休閒類、消極休閒類、維持類)及主觀經驗品質。以Bronfenbrenner提出之生物生態系統理論PPCT模式(process-person-context-time model)作為篩選二階段集群分析變項之依據,分述如下:本研究之P(process)為國小學童在四種課後活動的經驗感受、P(person)為自尊平均、C(context)為家庭管教方式,為國小高年級學童進行分群。國小高年級學童處於身心發展劇烈變化時期,因此,施測時間相隔兩個月,以便囊括PPCT理論中的時間歷程(Time)。本研究探討兩個時間點各可以形成何種類型的集群? 各集群的生活品質(學業成績平均、趨向精熟目標平均、生活滿意程度平均)是否有差異? 以一日經驗重建法(Day Reconstruction Method, DRM)收集跨兩個月的三個全天,國小高年級173位學童的2218個課後事件,將之歸類為上述四種課後活動類型,並量測活動中的正負向主觀經驗(1) 認知面:專心、時間感喪失;(2)目標面:明確目標、重要性;(3) 正向情緒:滿意、愉悅感;(4) 負向情緒:焦慮不安、疲倦感)、自尊與家庭管教方式。DRM的量測要求學童在隔天早上填寫前一天全天的事件,使記憶偏誤不容易影響資料。研究結果如下。 1. 國小高年級學童從事學業類相關課後活動事件為最多(34%),其他三種課後活動類型事件差異不大(19~23%)。 2. 學童在四類課後活動中的正向經驗皆大於平均值;負向經驗小於平均值。學童從事積極類休閒課後活動的理由比較傾向為自主意願,經驗品質非常優良,其挑戰與能力達到平衡,專心與時間感喪失程度高,目標明確、為具有重要性的活動,明顯感受到高度滿意與愉悅感,總之,積極休閒課後活動經驗品質優於學業、消極休閒及維持類型課後活動經驗。 3. 第一時間點的集群分析分出四組,分別為「最優正向發展組」(76人)、「內外發展弱/歷程中等組」(34人)、「歷程負向發展組」(45人)、「負向發展組」(18人) ;第二時間點分出「最優正向發展組」(81人)、「內外發展弱/歷程中等組」(63人)、「歷程負向發展」(29人)。其中「最優正向發展組」之生活品質(學業成績平均、趨向精熟目標平均、生活滿意程度平均)皆高於其他組別。 4. 卡方分析結果發現,跨兩個月時間的分組具有中等穩定性,然而正向發展組的人數跨時間穩定性較高,以「最優正向發展組」而言,第一時間點有78.66%的學生在第二時間點留在該組;而「負向發展組」的穩定度較低,以「歷程負向發展組」而言,第二時間點有68.88%進步到「內外發展弱/歷程中等組」及「最優正向發展組」,隨時間變動有向上發展的趨勢。 5. 近側課後活動的主觀正負經驗品質(P) 、個人的自尊(P)、與家庭脈絡中的主要照顧者管教方式(C)都是重要的分組投入變項,且「最優正向發展組」的生活品質顯著高於其他組;但是兩個時間點(T)參與哪一類課後活動的數量、比例並沒有差異,參與課後活動主觀經驗品質的好壞才和國小學童生活品質息息相關。 根據以上研究結果發現,本研究提出進一步討論,期待能提供教育應用建議以及未來之研究方向。 關鍵字:生物生態系統理論、一日經驗重建法、課後活動主觀經驗、 國小高年級學童、集群分析zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aims of this study were to investigate the types of after-school activities that elementary school children participated and the related subjective experiences. To the elementary school children, after-school activities accounted for a substantial proportion of a day and previous research has suggested that after-school activities do have a significant impact on children's physical and mental development. Based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and his process-person- context-time model (PPCT), the author selected input variables to conduct two-stage clustering analysis . In this study, the first P (process) is regarding the elementary school children’s subjective experiences in four types of after-school activities; the second P (person) is the average of self-esteem; C (context) is parenting style. These variables were considered simultaneously in the two-stage clustering analyses to form different clusters of elementary school students across two time points (Time, T). The participants are students in 5th grade who are in the period of dramatic changes in physical and mental development so that the time interval was set as two months in order to include the time aspect in PPCT model. Data were collected by a newly developed method, Day Reconstruction Method (DRM). Students provide their subjective experiences according to the separate events regarding after-school period, one day before the data collection. For every after- school events, they reported their positive and passive subjective experience ((1) cognitive: concentrate, lost sense of time, (2) goal: clearly objectives, importance, (3) positive emotions: satisfaction, pleasure, and (4) negative emotions: anxiety, fatigue). 2218 episodes of after-school data was collected from 173 students. The free-report after-school events were categorized into four types of after-school activities: academic related, active leisure, passive leisure and maintenance. After clustering analysis for two time points, elementary school childrens’ quality of life (academic average, tend mastery goal average, average life satisfaction) were compared among groups. The results are as in below. (A) The elementary school children, aged 11-12, mostly got involved in the academic-related activities after school (34%) while there was no difference among the other three types of after-school activities (ranged from 19%~23%). (B) Children in those four after-school activities had positive experiences which was higher than the average while negative experiences was below the average. In the active leisure after-school activities, kids’ experiences are better than those of the other after school actiivties because those children tended to participate with self-willingness (autonomy). The quality of what children had engaged in the active after-school activities was pretty excellent; they experienced the balance of challenges and the ability, the degree of concentration and time-passing was high. They had the clear goals along with important activities, and experienced higher satisfaction and pleasure. (C) Cluster analysis sorted out four groups at the first time point; they were the group of the most positive development (seventy-six children), internal-external weak development/medium-processing development (thirty-four children), negative-processing development (forty-five children) and negative development (eighteen children). At the second time point, three groups were sorted out: the most positive development (eighty-one children), internal-external weak development/ medium-processing development (sixty-three children) and negative development (twenty-nine children). Among those groups, the life quality of the most positive development group is the highest than the others, including the average of academic scores, mastery goal-orientation and life satisfaction. (D) The result of chi-square analysis found that crossing two-month grouping had medium stability. The children of the most positive development group had higher stability; there were 78.66% of the children in the first time point still remained in the second time point. However, the group of negative development had lower stability. Take negative-processing development group as the example, 68.8% of the children progressed into the internal-external weak development/medium-processing development and the most positive development and the members went better development as time passed. (E) The crucial variables of clustering were the quality of proximal subjective positive-negative experiences in after-school activities (P), self-esteem (P), and the way of parenting in a family context of the main care-giver (C); these are the most significance factors impacting their quality of life. However, the number and the percentage of participation in any after-school activities made no difference regarding the quality of life among school kids. Based on the results stated above, further discussions were presented with suggestion for future applications in teaching and research directions. Keywords: Ecological model, Day Reconstruction Method (DRM), subjective experience in after-school activities, Cluster Analysis, Elementary school children.en_US
dc.subjectEcological modelen_US
dc.subjectDay Reconstruction Method (DRM)en_US
dc.subjectsubjective experience in after-school activitiesen_US
dc.subjectCluster Analysisen_US
dc.subjectElementary school childrenen_US
dc.title國小高年級學童課後活動主觀經驗分群與 生活品質:生物生態系統理論PPCT的應用zh_TW
dc.titleThe clustering of experiences in after-school program and quality of life of elementary school children: The application of PPCT Modelen_US