標題: 金融科技創新的動態發展循環
The Dynamic Development Cycle of FinTech Innovation
作者: 蘇凌瑩
Su, Ling-Ying
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 金融科技;動態系統;自組織原理;區塊鏈技術;比特幣;FinTech;Dynamic system;Self-organization principles;Blockchain;Bitcoin
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 金融科技對於傳統金融業造成破壞式創新,預估於2020年前,有近5成的傳統金融業務受到重大衝擊或被取代。而電信業者、零售業者、網路平台業者亦投入資源,期望能為消費者推出更有效率、更便利的金融服務,形成跨界產業生態系統。
FinTech, the disruptive innovation to the traditional financial industry, is estimated that it would significantly impact or replace 50% traditional financial services by 2020. Moreover, the competitors of telecom industry, retailing industry and Internet platform operators invest in develop more convenient and efficient financial services as well, which build up a transboundary industrial ecosystem.
This study combines the theoretical perspective (dynamic system and self-organization principles) with industrial case studies to develop the research propositions, dynamic competitive relationship of key plays and the evolution of Fintech innovation development. Nevertheless, the case study of Blockchain helps us to construct the dynamic development cycle and the verification equation of FinTech innovation.
This study expects the eight propositions of the systematic viewpoint, key players, dynamic development steps and evolution model of the dynamic development cycle of FinTech innovation could become the analyzing principles of the development of financial technology innovation and the guideline of formulating corporate competitive strategy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463722
Appears in Collections:Thesis