Title: 玻璃天花板效應對女性經理人陞遷障礙之研究—以性別工作平等法第七條為中心
Analysis of the Glass Ceiling Effect on Female Managers—a Focus on Article 7 of Act of Gender Equality in Employment
Authors: 江欣曄
Chiang, Hsin-Yeh
Lin, Chih-Chieh
Chiu, Yu-Fan
Keywords: 玻璃天花板效應;經理人;性別工作平等法第7條;民權法案第七章;Glass Ceiling Effect;Manager;Article 7 of Act of Gender Equality in Employment;Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 我國性別工作平等法制定至今已超過十餘年載,其中該法第7條保障基於性別平等之陞遷機會,惟相關數據仍指出女性仍遭逢玻璃天花板效應之苦,相關陞遷性平訴訟數量亦然稀少。為突破此一困境,本文以私部門女性經理人作為研究對象,分別探討現行性別工作平等法第7條對女性經理人之保障,兼論經理人契約定性之勞動法爭議,並以美國民權法案第七章作為參考立法例,期以能從法律面向深化性別平權之落實。 在性別工作平等法第7條之保障,本文彙整國內、外相關數據及57份問卷調查之結果,發現我國玻璃天花板現象仍然存在,並指出8項我國性別工作平等法仍待深耕之處。在兼論經理人契約定性之勞動法爭議中,本文則探究經理人勞工地位之分析及經理人契約與原契約間關係,並以121件實證判決作為具體事項之佐例,最後得出勞動契約之契約結構可能為單一契約、混合契約及契約聯立等結論。 另外,在美國民權法案第七章之立法例,本文先是探討個人型差別對待行為、結構型差別對待行為以及差別影響行為之舉證責任轉換模式,後分別提出客觀評鑑、主觀評鑑、性別職業隔離與性別刻板印象等相關陞遷性平案件作為說明,並以此回應我國性別工作平等法上開八項觀察。 最後,本文彙整我國及美國立法例之內容,共提出6項評析與建議政策,其中3項為立法建議、其他為司法實務操作建議,希冀能夠深化性別工作平等法第7條之理論與應用,更進一步打破玻璃天花板的無形禁錮。
Act of Gender Equality in Employment has been made for more than 10 years. Especially, Article 7 prohibits discrimination against applicants and employers because of gender in the course of promotion. Despite the crackdowns, the statistics show that the glass ceiling effect still exists and the number of litigations remains low. To tackle the challenges, the article focus on female manager with regard to legislative protection in Act of Gender Equality in Employment and related employment law issues. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is also introduced as a comparative method. With all these efforts, the article looks forward to making progress on gender equality in legal field. In chapter III, domestic/international data and 57 questionnaires are used to demonstrate the existence of the glass ceiling effect. It further indicates 8 deficiencies in Act of Gender Equality in Employment. With regard to employment law issues, two topics are mentioned -- whether a manager can be recognized as a worker in Labor Standard Act and whether manager contract can substitute for employment contract in the course of promotion. An empirical study of 121 cases is used as illustrations. In conclusion, the article has approved that the structure of a labor contract can be in a various from. In chapter IV, the article introduces the allocation of burden of proof in disparate treatment, systemic disparate treatment and disparate impact at first, and then provides cases about objective standards, subjective criteria, occupational sex segregation and gender stereotypes in response to the above-mentioned deficiencies. In the final chapter, the article has proposed 6 solutions to advance theory and practice of Article 7 of Act of Gender Equality in Employment based on the above analysis (3 for legislative advice, 3 for judicial practice). It is believed that hard work makes the invisible barrier broken.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353806
Appears in Collections:Thesis