Title: 論開放性資料庫藝術的動態特質
Authors: 許雯婷
Keywords: 網路藝術;開放性作品;資料庫藝術;互文性;動態;Net art;Open work;Database art;Intertextuality;Dynamics
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2014
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 隨著數位科技及網路的普遍化,我們可以觀察到當今使用數位科技、網路或程式編碼等來進行創作的藝術家,經常僅為作品編定程序(program),或利用數據資料混合各種形式來創作,此論文的研究對象「開放性資料庫藝術」(open database art,以下簡稱ODA),即是其中的一種,它沒有既成的作品內容,而是應用資料庫技術大量地從網際網路的資料或從參與者貢獻的資料中擷取資料,以之作為內容。這類型的作品,不僅反映出資料庫技術與其藝術的面貌,更體現了數位時代朝向群眾的創造性協作的趨勢。本文的重要性和目的是在提供理解ODA作品的脈絡與觀點,除了就作品的現象層和技術層進行適切的描述和分類外,也更深一層地耙梳和凝聚出ODA作品的特質。因此,本文側重在討論ODA作品的「動態」重要特質,逐一就「作品中的文本相互關係」、「文本意義的變化情形」及其這些外部文本的移動對ODA作品或外部文本自身所引發或形成的「動態和意義」進行討論,以作為後續相關研究之參考。本研究結論有四:(1)待填入的內容本身是ODA作者的主要創造,而召喚外部文本、邀請觀者的參與和創造也是ODA作品最具特徵的手法,(2)在理解ODA作品時,需考慮文本之間的互文性,即審視作品生產過程中的文本交互關係與意義變動的過程。(3)持續待填入的內容造就了ODA作品的意義及其可能性,也形成作品中重要的動態:「視覺呈現的變動」、「不穩定的文本相互關係」、「文本意義的變動」和「不斷重構的作品結構」。(4)ODA作品是在事件中實踐的藝術,是一個連續性的歷程,而非恆定的藝術事件,也可視其為一件動態、歷時性事件的多重樣態之一,故在理解作品本身時,必須同時關注其發展歷程與其作品特定的歷史脈絡。
With the pervasion of digital technology and the Internet, artists today can create artwork by programming and inputting external data. The subject of this paper, open database art (ODA), is one such type of artwork. Open database artwork, unlike other artwork, does not consist of fixed, preset, and stable content, because it is made by retrieving external data in different sociocultural contexts or by participants’ contributions, and the retrieved data is combined to form content. This type of artwork reflects both the application of database technology and the tendency toward collective creation in the digital age. With the continual input of external data, open database artworks create moving content, changing visual appearance, and overarching relationships. These characteristics of ODA result in a dynamic relationship between the external data and the open database artwork, the transformation of the meaning of the external data, and the reconfiguration of the artwork. Four conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) The continual open input of content is the main concept from the artist. The most characteristic approach of ODA is to involve external texts and viewer participation. (2) To better address the creation of ODA, the intertextuality in and between texts must be considered. (3) Along with the continual open input of content, a changing visual appearance, a moving textual relationship, the transformation of the meaning of the external data, and the reconfiguration of the artwork are also produced. (4) ODA is an ongoing event of art praxis. The artwork itself is a continual process, not a fixed object. Therefore, ODA must be understood through its developmental process and its particular historical context.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201403_(18).0003
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201403_(18).0003
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 18
Begin Page: 53
End Page: 90
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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