Title: SDG5 性別平等
SDG5 Gender Equality
Authors: 校務大數據研究中心
Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
Issue Date: Dec-2023
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學校務大數據研究中心
Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics, NYCU
Abstract: 【學術研究】 婦女賦權的重要性 保障智能障礙者的性健康權利 【社會影響】 女科技人大會 STEM研習與實作營 【教育培養】 性別平等書展 性別平等推廣講座 【校園治理】 性別平等教育委員會 性別友善設施
【Research】 Importance of Female Empowerment Protecting the Sexual Health Rights of People with Mental Disabilities 【Social Impact】 Women in Science and Technology Convention STEM Seminars and Workshops 【Education & Cultivation】 Gender Equality Book Fair Gender Equality Seminars 【Stewardship】 Gender Equity Education Committee Gender-f r iendly Facilities
URI: https://sdgs.nycu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2023_report_ch-2.pdf
Journal: 2023國立陽明交通大學永續發展報告書
2023 Sustainable Development Annual Report
Begin Page: 29
End Page: 34
Appears in Collections:Sustainable Development Annual Report

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