標題: 將協商機制導入綠色供應鏈之影響與探討
The impact of negotiating agreement implicating in green supply chain management system
作者: 謝宗翰
Hsieh, Tsung-Han
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
關鍵字: 協商;綠色供應鏈;議價;Stackelberg;Cournot;Negotiation;Green supply chain;Bargaining;Stackelberg;Cournot
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 協商的概念近年已被廣泛使用於研究國際事務及國際貿易之進行,不同的協商機制回直接影響參與者之行為決策並進產衍生出不同的結果。本研究首先將從跨領域的觀點來介紹不同種類的協商理論,並了解促成協商機制順利運作的條件與要素為何。
The concept of negotiation has been widely studied and implemented in the fields with international affairs or global trade issues. Different negotiation mechanisms will directly result in different consequences depending on which strategy that participates conduct. This study firstly introduces various of negotiation theories based on the perspective of different science fields, understanding how to facilitate the negotiation process and make it sustainable.
The core spirit of this study aims at constructing an applicable negotiation mechanism which could be implemented in real industry case. The concept of our model is inspired from the study of labor unit bargaining which propose in facilitating the cooperation in a supply chain. Therefore, we constructed a three-stage game which integrated the concept of green supply chain, including government, reversed-logistic suppliers and final-goods manufacturers. By solving the negotiation problem between revered-logistic suppliers and final-goods manufacturers, we can further infer the equilibrium results of price and quantity in terms of recycling raw material as well as government’s optimal environmental involvement approach. However, the most essential part of this study is to understand how the participants would perform their strategy in different negotiation scenario.
In the result, we discovered that bargaining power and the type of game that negotiation follows would obviously impact the result of price and quantity. If the reversed-logistic supplier has higher bargaining power, it is more difficult for the manufacturer to conduct expanding strategy which further restricts the total profit of this green supply chain and vice versa when its bargaining power is sufficiently low.


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