標題: 小體積,低電壓及高效率蜂巢式行動電話功率放大器模組之研製
Fabrication of A Compact Size , Low Voltage , and High Efficiency Cellular Mobile Phone Power Amplifier Module
作者: 林宗亮
Tzong-Liang Lin
Dr. Yao-Huang Kao
關鍵字: 小體積;低電壓;高效率;F級放大器;負拖曳法;功率加值型效率;;Compact Size;Low Voltage;High Efficiency;Class F Amplifier; Load-Pull Method;Power-Added Efficiency;
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本論文研發一應用於蜂巢式行動電話手機中之小體積,低電壓及高效率功 率放大器模組.利用混合式微波積體電路(Hybrid MIC)的設計方式,彎曲式 的微帶線布局及高介電常數的微波基板可縮小體積.並採用電路結構簡單 可縮小電路大小的Class F 電路組態,同時達到輸出功率及高效率 ,及減 低輸出匹配電路的功率損失.在不同的偏壓之下,功率放大器的最佳負載阻 抗是採用負載拖曳(Load-Pull)的量測方法,以利設計匹配電路.本放大模 組的功率加值型效率(Power-Added Efficiency)可達66%,與由理想的負載 線分析法(Load-Line Approach)所得的72.8%相比較,證實本模組已達高水 準. A compact size,low voltage,and high efficiency power amplifier module with applications to cellular mobile phone is designed and fabricated in this paper.The technology of hybrid MIC( Microwave Integrated Circuit) on high dielectric constant substrate and compact microstrip line routing are adopted for size reduction. The Class F circuit configuration with small matching circuit loss is adopted to achieve both high power and high efficiency.The optimum load impedance of the power module is searched by the load-pull method under various bias conditions.With the suitable matching network, the power-added efficiency of the module is up to 66%,compatible to the theoretical prediction 72.8% for load-line approach.
Appears in Collections:Thesis