Title: 鐵路軌道即時資料擷取與量測
Railway Real-Time Data Acquisition and Measurement
Authors: 曾士峯
Tseng, Shih-Feng
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Keywords: 鐵路軌道;即時;資料擷取;Railway;Real-Time;Data Acquisition
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 為了確保鐵路行車安全與乘車舒適感的要求,軌道不整必須控制在容許的限度範圍,故需時時加以檢查與進行修護工作。本文以研究軌道檢查車所需之軌道檢測系統,進行感測訊號之擷取、數據運算、遠端監控與即時列印系統。本系統係由資料擷取與分析主機對各種感測器進行即時資料擷取與運算,運算結果在監控主機上顯示並在列印主機列印;擷取得之原始資料將儲存至系統中的資料庫,可在遠端監控主機上進行離線之軌道不整,包括軌距、水平、高低、方向、平面性之分析工作。
For safe, efficient, and high-quality rail operations, routine track inspection and maintenance works must be performed to ensure the irregularities of the track geometry being confined within a tolerance threshold. The object of this thesis is to design and to fabricate a track geometry recording system. It is suitable for the track inspection vehicle. This recording system consists of a data acquisition, data analysis, remote control and real-time report system. The data acquisition machine executes real-time data acquisition from sensors and analyzes these data. The result after computation would be displayed and printed on the remote control system and report system. A database is included in the remote system to store the raw data form sensors. The remote control machine can analysis irregularities of the track parameters, including gauge, alignment, cross-level, surface, and twist, off-line by using database.
Appears in Collections:Thesis