標題: 機車使用者涉入程度與運具選擇過程影響因素之關聯性研究-以台北市為例
The Study for the Involvement of Motorcycle Usage Decision and its Affecting Variables - A Case Study for Taipei City
作者: 楊家銘
關鍵字: 機車使用者;涉入程度;EKB模式;Motorcyclist;Involvement;EKB Model
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 過去交通主管機關並未正視機車於道路行駛上之定位問題,且具有許多似是而非的刻版觀念:如機車為一落伍、過渡性之運具,日後終將隨著國民所得的提高、自小客車持有率的提升而減少,終至消滅。所以我國早期對機車的管理方向,乃是放任其成長而未加以限制。因此儘管目前台北市大眾運輸系統之使用率已逐漸攀升,但機車使用者所佔之比例仍不在少數。是以本研究乃針對機車使用者在運具選擇過程時其涉入程度之衡量方式進行探討,並分析不同涉入程度之機車使用者在運具選擇過程時其影響因素之差異性,以求能在機車管理方向上找尋一套可切入的施力點,提供交通主管當局作為參考。
The conceptualization and measurement of involvement has been an important issue in advertising and marketing research, but it hasn’t been discussed in transportation research. This study is undertaken to establish the measurement for the involvement of motorcycle usage decision, and to explore the relationship between the involvement and its affecting variables of the motorcycle usage decision. The main purpose of this study is to find some points for the management strategies of motorcycles, and to give some useful suggestions to the relevant authorities.
This study has established the involvement inventory for the motorcycle usage decision by three dimensions. They are perceived importance and stimulus of the product, perceived sign value, and situation. By using this inventory, we can measure the degree of motorcyclist’s involvement in motorcycle usage decision-making. Besides the theory of involvement, EKB model is also applied to analyze the behavior and characteristics of the motorcyclists.
A survey through face-to-face interviews was conducted to collect the required data for empirical study. Some statistical techniques such as goodness of fit, factor analysis, and chi-square test are used in this study.
The main findings of the empirical analysis show that the degree of involvement for the motorcycle usage decision among different motorcyclists are not the same. There indeed has some relationship between the involvement and the affecting variables of the motorcycle usage decision. The results of this study provide a set of valuable information to help the authorities to establish related strategies for the motorcycle usage and management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis