標題: 企業導入虛擬化開發環境後員工與組織效益之研究-以A公司為例
A Study on Employee and Organization Benefits After Building Virtualized Enterprise Development Environ-ment – A Case Study of A Company
作者: 賴宜廷
Lai, Yi-Ting
Yung-Ming Li
關鍵字: 應用程式虛擬化;虛擬化開發環境;電腦自我效能;電腦使用;使用者滿意度;個人影響;組織影響;Application Virtualization;Virtualized Development Environment;Computer Self-efficacy;Computer Usage;User Satisfaction;Personal Impact;Organizational Impact
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 採購軟體成本與授權成本一直是企業長久以來的困擾,企業為了避免不必要的浪費,將常用的軟體虛擬化,集中控管授權,而員工需要改變行為,開啟位於雲端的軟體進行日常工作。本研究指在探討個案公司在建置虛擬化開發環境後,對其員工個人與組織之影響。本研究目的藉由數據分析來瞭解導入虛擬化開發環境後是否能幫助員工,進而提昇整個組織生產力。
The costs of software purchasing and licensing have been a burden of the enterprise. In order to reduce the costs, the enterprises can deploy virtulization of commonly used software and manage the user authority centralizedly. However, the employees need to change the way of using the software which is stored in the cloud for executing their daily work. The study is focused on exploring the impact of the virtualized software development environment on the employees and the organization of the case company. Through the data analysis of the con-ducted questionnaire survey, this study aims to understand whether the virtualized develop-ment environment can enhance the productivity of the employess and the entire organization.

In this study, a questionnaire survey for the company’s employees was conducted. Using the technics of descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other statistical analysis , the results show that there is a significant positive influence on employees ' com-puter self-efficacy, computer usage, and user satisfaction , and thereby on personal impact and organizational impact . It is concluded that the enterprise can enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the employees and the organization if it can enhance emloyees’ com-puter self-efficacy and familiarity of the virtualized development environment.