Title: 台灣半導體產業營運策略族群分析
Strategic Group Analysis in Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 楊靜歆
Yang, Chin-Hsing
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 台灣半導體產業;策略族群;能力;能耐;輕資產策略;價值鏈整合策略;知識策略;Taiwan Semiconductor Industry;Strategic Group;Capability;Competence;Light Asset Strategy;Value Chain Integration Strategy;Knowledge Leading Strategy
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 企業不斷追求競爭優勢,但在瞬息萬變的市場環境中,台灣半導體業該如何站穩腳步?競爭優勢究竟為何?該如何取得競爭優勢為本文重點。關於競爭優勢的理論眾說紛紜,有台灣半導體產業遵從的麥克.波特三大競爭優勢「總成本領先、差別化、專一化」(Porter),以及來自產業界施振榮提出的微笑曲線策略卻在許多實例上產生盲點。因此本研究透過拆解杜邦恆等式取得財務指標以剖析台灣半導體業產業現況,藉由解構財務資訊取得企業資源構型,以觀察競爭優勢的軌跡探討台灣半導體產業策略族群及其競爭優勢,由此可知企業形成競爭優勢過程,並藉此研究結果、訂定產業未來成長方向。
本研究利用長期觀察以取得企業競爭優勢形成過程,研究資料取自Standard & Poor,Compustat資料庫,以2000~2014年共206家全球上市的半導體公司為研究範圍。研究發現,台灣半導體知名標竿多集中領導型知識策略,企業在策略形成之時需考慮企業本身資源、能力(capability)與能耐(competence),才能創造長期競爭優勢。本文於發展領導型知識策略族群中發現此族群企業多瞭解本身資源與能力,並以其形成完整的環境系統為其獲利。
From enterprises to industries, are all pursuing for competitive advantage. However, how can semiconductor industry in Taiwan hold its status? And what is its competitive advantage? These answers should be really important to Taiwan. As a result, it is the main point of this thesis. There are plenty of theories and schools studying in competitive advantage, including Proter’s Competitive Advantages which are followed by semiconductor industry in Taiwan, and “Smile Curve”, proposed by Stan Shih, gained recognition by semiconductor industry in Taiwan. However, both of Porter’s Competitive Advantages and Smile Curve are not suitable for a fast moving market environment as semiconductor industry. Accordingly, this research is analyzing industry current issue by financial ratios which are decomposed from Du Pont Formula, thereafter we can acquire enterprises resource configuration and track strategy semiconductor industry strategy group and competitive advantage in Taiwan along the industry forming history.
Different from past research, this research is focus on long-term competitive advantage and their forming process. Our data is collected from Standard & Poor Compustat database, and the observing period lasting for 15 years from the beginning of semiconductor industry booms in Taiwan (2000) until now(2014). According to our finding, leaders in semiconductor industry in Taiwan mainly following knowledge leading strategy, and we also mentioned that enterprises should not only take their own resources and capability into consideration in the process of forming strategy, competence is really importance as well especially for enterprises which are pursuing for continuance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis