Title: | 遊戲與敘事的揉合─遊戲互動性、敘事線索及角色認同對娛樂媒體回應之調節式中介效果 Uncover Game's Story: A Moderated Mediation Model of Media Interactivity, Game Narrative, Character Identification, and Player's Response |
Authors: | 萬芝安 林日璇 陶振超 Wan, Chih-An Lin, Jih-Hsuan Tao, Chen-Chao 傳播研究所 |
Keywords: | 角色認同;欣賞評價;愉悅感;遊戲互動性;遊戲敘事;Appreciation;enjoyment;identification;media interactivity;game narrative |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 遊戲敘事向來為電子遊戲的熱門應用,傳播領域研究也分別多有預測遊戲互動性、敘事會讓玩家產生良好的娛樂媒體回應。然而,過去傳播領域研究卻仍未深入探討遊戲互動性及敘事兩因素之間的交互作用,以及遊戲究竟如何影響玩家的心智進而產生良好的愉悅感及欣賞評價。針對於此,本研究提出遊戲互動性、敘事會透過角色認同影響娛樂媒體回應的調節中介模式。另外,對於遊戲情境中角色非道德行為,本研究進一步觀察玩家主動參與的過程對道德行為決策的影響。 本研究採用實驗法,採以2(中介式主動觀察/中介式被動觀察) × 2(有敘事線索/無敘事線索)組間設計,讓受試者分別以主動遊玩遊戲或觀看遊戲紀錄以操控互動性,接著參與過程會以提供角色背景資訊與否作為敘事線索的操作,一共發展四個實驗情境。實驗後,本篇再針對方才的娛樂媒體回應及道德決策進行測量。此外,以性別作為控制變項,受試者的性別比例相當,執行實驗後最終有效樣本共122人。 研究結果發現,互動性與敘事對娛樂媒體回應有顯著交互作用。本研究也證實互動性對娛樂媒體回應會受到角色認同的中介,且互動性對角色認同的效果會受到敘事的調節,為一調節中介模式。因此,可將敘事視為角色認同的先行變數。另一方面,本研究並未發現遊戲互動性、敘事對道德決策改變之預測,本研究解釋可能遊戲中的非道德行為只需透過單純理由作為正當原因,而不會處理如在現實生活中的複雜因素。最後,本研究也發現複雜情緒與敘事評價具有高相關,未來可再進一步探討其他影響的因素。 This study examined the effects of interactivity and narrative on entertainment audience response, moral decision change. This study also tested narrative as antecedent of identification as the moderated mediating mechanism. A total of 122 undergraduate students participated in a 2 media interactivity (enactive mediation vs. observational mediation) × 2 narrative (with narrative clue vs. without narrative clue) experiment. Results supported a moderated mediation model in which the effect of media interactivity on audience’s responses through identification was moderated by narrative. When narrative clue was present, interactive play resulted in higher character identification than when narrative clue was not present, and the effect of media interactivity on enjoyment and also appreciation mediated through identification. Additionally, an association between mixed emotion and appreciation was also found to be significant, while the result showed interactivity had no significant effect on moral decision change. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259130 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/139325 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |