标题: 以方法目的鏈探討綠色環保洗髮精B2B使用者的價值目的
A Study Exploring the Goal Value for the B2B Users of Green Shampoo
作者: 戴子昀
关键字: 方法目的鏈;軟式階梯訪談法;蘊含矩陣;價值知覺圖;綠色環保洗髮精;Mean-end Chains;Soft Laddering;Content Analysis;Hierarchical Value Map;Green Shampoo
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著全球暖化加速,近年環境議題日益備受重視,全球興起綠色消費主義,主張購買從生產到廢棄處理,都對環境友善的產品;根據美國市場研究機構統計,全球綠色消費產品市場在2020年將成長至6000億美元,尤其以亞太地區成長最快。因此,本研究採納「方法目的鏈」(Mean-end Chains, MECs)作為理論基礎,以綠色環保洗髮精使用者為研究對象,使用「軟式階梯訪談法」進行深度訪問,以內容分析法建立「屬性-結果-價值」之路徑;最後,將所有路徑彙整,製成蘊含矩陣及價值知覺圖,以深究受訪者使用綠色環保洗髮精的價值內涵。購買綠色環保洗髮精的使用者感知到的產品屬性有8項,分別是天然配方、味道清香、細緻泡泡、成分清爽、修護功能、標章認證與製造、環保材質與高品牌知名度;獲得使用結果有11項,包含降低環境污染、減少人體傷害、促進毛髮強健、提升乾爽舒適、吸收效果持久、舒服放鬆、提升消費興趣、降低使用疑慮、強化良好服務印象、促進話題互動和滿意度提升;價值目的有安全感、專業責任、享樂人生、健康與關愛五項。
According to the market research institution in the U.S.A., world market growth of green consuming products will climb to 600 billion US dollars, especially the amount increase fastest in Asian regions. Therefore, this study drew on the "Mean-end Chains (MECs)" as the theoretical basis, and targeted the professional user of green shampoo. “Soft- Laddering” method was adopted as a tool for conducting depth interview, then the “Content Analysis “method was used to find out the ladders to conduct ”Attributes - Consequence Benefits – Value “path for professional users of green shampoo. Finally, all paths were converted into an Hierarchical Value Map. This study results showed that the professional users of green shampoo perceived eight kinds of attributes, including natural formula, fragrance, fine bubbles, refreshing ingredients, repairing function, certification of manufacturing, environmental protection materials and high brand awareness;11 benefits results were concluded, in ordering the reduction of environmental pollution, decreasing body damage, improving hair health, bringing refreshing and comfortable feeling, lasting longer, relaxing, stimulating consumers’ interest, decreasing concern of product uses, strengthening the good service impression, enabling more interaction and satisfaction. The goal values contained the sense of security, professionalism and sense of responsibility, enjoyment life, health and care.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353109