标题: 第五代巨量天线径分多重接取蜂巢式系统中通道估计方法之研究
A Study on Channel Estimation Methods for 5G Massive Antenna MDMA Cellular System
作者: 林迦豪
Lin, Chia-Hao
Huang, Chia-Chi
关键字: 第五代行动通讯;巨量天线;通道估计;卡慢滤波器;径分多重接取;5G;Massive Antenna;Channel Estimation;Kalman Filter;MDMA
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 随着通信科技日新月异,第五代行动通讯标准即将在2010年正式定案。目前,学术界及产业界无不致力于第五代行动通讯系统的发展以作为满足未来严苛的资料传输要求之解决方案。为了因应这个问题,我们研究第五代通讯系统可能的技术之一,称为巨量天线径分多重接取(MDMA)蜂巢式行动通讯系统。本论文中探讨可用于符合此系统运作模式下,基于通道特性的两个面向而发展出相对应的两种方法来减少通道估计误差。其中一个面相是利用通道间时间上的相关性并结合典型卡曼滤波器与来作通道预测与估计,另一个面相则是根据布建的巨量天线间对于通道路径延迟的相关资讯来做为辅助路径筛选之方法,称为大数决策辅助路径筛选。这两种方法在此通讯系统下之效能表现亦呈现于模拟结果中,我们且针对此两种方法对系统效能的影响作讨论与分析。
With the ever-changing nature of telecommunication technologies, the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication standards will be finalized by 2020. Currently, both the academia and industry are dedicated to the development of possible solutions that meet the challenging demands of the 5G communication systems. In response to this, we research on one of the possible techniques known as the massive antenna multipath division multiple access (MDMA) cellular system. In this thesis, methods for improving channel estimation under this mobile radio communication system are investigated. Two methods for reducing channel estimation error are proposed by exloring channel characteristics from two different aspects. One is the application of the Kalman filter with temporal channel correlations. The other one is the majority-vote-aided path selection with similar multipath channel delay information over receiver antennas. Simulation results are given and discussed on the performance of these two methods.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070460219